POC Projects

Round 12 - 2023



Research Unit

Project Leader



79 Optimization of AAV Vector Production Using Riboswitch [EN/JP] Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering Unit Yohei Yokobayashi Seed Phase Ongoing


Unlocking microbial PFAS-degradation with evolutionary approaches [EN/JP] Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit Paola Laurino and Paul Matthay Seed Phase Ongoing


Plastitective: Fast and efficient microplastic detection [EN/JP] pi-Conjugated Polymers Unit Samantha Phan TPF Ongoing
76 Development of peptide inhibitors to target neuroblastoma [EN/JP] Cell Proliferation and Gene Editing Unit Franz Meitinger Seed Phase Ongoing
75 Cyclic-1,3-dione derivatives conjugates with resins [EN/JP] Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit Fujie Tanaka Seed Phase Ongoing
74 Reducing Quadcopter Performance Degradation via Statistical Physics [EN/JP]
Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit
Mahesh Bandi Seed Phase Ongoing
73 iH2O2: Iron-catalyzed H2O2 production  [EN/JP] Organometallic Chemistry Group Satoshi Takebayashi Seed Phase Ongoing
72 EbiSeq: Innovative Environmental Nucleic Acid Tools Improve Shrimp Farming [EN/JP] Marine Climate Change Unit Roger Huerlimann Seed Phase Ongoing
71 Accelerating Human Cardiac Regeneration with UD Proteomics-guided Stem Cell Programming [EN/JP] Synapse Biology Unit Zacharie Taoufiq Seed Phase Ongoing
70 A new small peptide, PHDP5, as a potential treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease [EN/JP] Neural Computation Unit Chia Jung Chang Phase I Ongoing
69 Ion trap and optics developments for quantum networking [EN/JP] Experimental Quantum Information Physics  Ezra Kassa Seed Phase Ongoing
68 Spin-based ultra-low noise amplifier for microwave quantum technologies [EN/JP] Science and Technology Group Yuimaru Kubo Phase II Ongoing


Round 11 - 2022



Research Unit

Project Leader



67 Microwave masers and frequency combs for communications and sensing [EN/JP] Quantum Machines Unit  Jason Twamley Seed Phase Finished
66 A hybrid 3D-nanofabrication technology for the development of 3D-scaffolds, hydrogels, and implants for research and medical applications [EN/JP]

Neural Circuit Unit

Lokesh Agrawal Phase II Ongoing
65 Search [EN/JP] OIST Innovation Sergey Zobnin TPF Ongoing
64 Microalgae as a functional ingredient to enhance nutritional and sensory properties of meat analogues [EN/JP] Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Davide Califano Seed Phase Finished
63 Development of effective therapeutic methodology using a series of siRNAs conjugated with nanoparticles [EN/JP] Cell Signal Unit Tadashi Yamamoto Seed Phase Finished
62 Design of E.coli strains able to efficiently degrade polyfluorinated compounds [EN/JP] Protein Engineering and Evolution  Paola Laurino Seed Phase Finished
61 Opioid potentiators for enhancing analgesia and suppressing tolerance development of morphine and other opioids [EN/JP] Membrane Cooperativity Unit  Peng Zhou TPF Ongoing
60 Okinawa Yarn Project [EN/JP] Mechanics and Materials Unit  Hitomi Shinzato TPF Ongoing
59 Ion Trap and Optics developments for Quantum Networking [EN/JP] Experimental Quantum Information Physics  Ezra Kassa Seed Phase Finished
58 Spin-based millikelvin microwave quantum devices [EN/JP] Science and Technology Group Yuimaru Kubo Phase I Finished
57 Dissemination and implementation of Well Parent Japan (WPJ) [EN/JP] Human Developmental Neurobiology Unit  Gail Tripp Phase II Finished


Round 10 - 2021 



Research Unit

Project Leader




Applied research on aging and age-related disease markers [EN/JP]

OIST Innovation Takayuki Teruya TPF Finished
55 A novel viral vector for gene delivery specifically to neurons in the Central Nervous System [EN/JP] Membrane Cooperativity Unit  Saahil Acharya TPF Finished
54 Personalized Synapse Proteomics of living psychiatric patients [EN/JP] Cellular & Molecular Synaptic Function Unit  Zacharie Taoufiq Phase II Finished
53 Cost-effective and low maintenance scale-up advanced wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery for swine farms [EN/JP] Biological Systems Unit Mami Kainuma Phase II Finished
52 Development of a hybrid, grid-based, multi-nozzle, 3D nanofabrication system for 3D-scaffolds, hydrogels, and implants for tissue engineering Molecular Neuroscience Unit  Lokesh Agrawal Phase I Finished
51 Tunable optical elements for imaging [EN/JP] Quantum Machines Unit  Jason Twamley Phase I Finished


Round 9 -2020 



Research Unit

Project Leader



50 Fiber endcap device for enabling atherectomy with a femtosecond laser [EN/JP] Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit  Viktoras Lisicovas TPF Finished
49 Development of protein micro/nanoarrays for high-throughput proteomics Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Shivani Sathish TPF Finished
48 An advanced wastewater treatment technology to help swine farmers meet impending discharge regulations [EN/JP] Biological Systems Unit Mami Kainuma Phase I Finished
47 Enhanced production of astaxanthin specialized entrapped yeast  Science and Technology Group  Eugene Kroll Phase I Finished
46 Verification of therapeutic approach for frailty based on metabolomic findings G0 Cell Unit  Mitsuhiro Yanagida Phase I Finished
45 Development of a drug test platform by unraveling the molecular mechanisms of alpha-synuclein aggregation using an in vitro human brain organoid model Optical Neuroimaging Unit  Jo Junghyun Phase I Finished
44 Mechanoresponsive materials to detect mechanical stress and damage in polymers  Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit  Julia Khusnutdinova Phase I Finished


Round 8 - 2019 



Research Unit

Project Leader



43 A compact AI cytoscope for label-free prediction and tracking of cell phenotype and behavior Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Hsieh-Fu Tsai TPF Finished
42 Bio-Practical AppliCation Treatment Systems  Biological Systems Unit David Simpson TPF Finished
41 Development of Methods for determining the structures of small compounds using mass and ion-mobility of fragment ions. Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit  Eisuke Hayakawa Phase II Finished
40 Feasibility study for commercialization of OIST Rice Plant Epigenetics Unit  Hidetoshi Saze Phase II Finished
39 Proteomics analyses of synapses purified from human iPSC-derived neurons. Cellular & Molecular Synaptic Function Unit  Zacharie Taoufiq Phase I Finished
38 Development of air-stable organic glow-in-the-dark materials Organic Optoelectronics Unit   Ryota Kabe ITR Finished
37 Early detection of risk for mental disorders by computer mediated real-time social interaction. Embodied Cognitive Science Unit  Tom Froese ITR Finished


Round 7 - 2019 



Research Unit

Project Leader



36 Application of atom economical Ru catalysis to economical synthesis of novel chemical matter  Science and Technology Group Eugene Khaskin Phase I Finished
35 Development of Ducted Wave Energy Converter Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit  Tsumoru Shintake Phase II Finished


Round 6 - 2018 



Research Unit

Project Leader



34 Spin-based cryogenic microwave amplifier for quantum technologies Quantum Dynamics Unit  Yuimaru Kubo ITR Finished
33 The neuromuscular junction as a new target for treatment of Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy Cell Signal Unit Tadashi Yamamoto ITR Finished
32 Cost-effective production of anion exchange membranes for industrial applications Biological Systems Unit Peter Babiak Phase II Finished
31 Open source total gradient computation framework Neural Computation Unit  Paavo Parmas Phase I Finished


Round 5 - 2018 



Research Unit

Project Leader



30 Development of human aging detection through measuring abandance of age-related metabolic biomarkers G0 Cell Unit  Mitsuhiro Yanagida ITR Finished
29 Proof of concept of Inlet flap extension for tapered Duct Wave Energy Converter Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit  Tsumoru Shintake Phase I Finished
28 Sulfone substituted complex cyclopropanes and linear hydrocarbons via catalysis  Science and Technology Group Eugene Khaskin Phase I Finished
27 Lysosome Targeted Molecular Self-assembly for Cancer Therapeutics  Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit  Ye Zhang ITR Finished
26 Development of Methods for determining the structures of small compounds using mass and ion-mobility of fragment ions Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit  Eisuke Hayakawa Phase I Finished
25 Laser-driven Microplasma Extreme-UV source Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit  Keshav Dani ITR Finished
24 ​ADHD Parenting program Human Developmental Neurobiology Unit  Gail Tripp ITR Finished
23 Portable nanoplasmonics for application specific remote biosensing  Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Amy Shen Phase II Finished
22 Optimisation of selective treatment of distillery and fermentation waste using Microbial Fuel Cells Biological Systems Unit Igor Goryanin Phase II Finished
21 All-solid-state Li-ion batteries with improved stability Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Yabing Qi ITR Finished
20 Methodological Innovation to Control the Outbreak of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish(COTS)in Coral Reefs Marine Genomics Unit Nori Satoh ITR Finished


Round 4 - 2017 



Research Unit

Project Leader



19 Commercialization of OIST Rice Plant Epigenetics Unit  Hidetoshi Saze Phase I Finished
18 Cell-free synthesis of cellulose nanofiber  Marine Genomics Unit Nori Satoh Phase I Finished
17 Development of a fast image regularization device Structural Cellular Biology  Ulf Skoglund Phase I Finished
16 Development of system for determining the aging degree by blood metabolites as index G0 Cell Unit  Mitsuhiro Yanagida Phase I Finished
15 Rapid, discrete, and portable device for point-of-care sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnostics Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Amy Shen Phase I Finished
14 Anion exchange hydrogels for phosphate and nitrate removal from wastewaters Biological Systems Unit Igor Goryanin Phase I Finished
13 Scaling up of large-area solar cells Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Yabing Qi Phase II Finished


Round 3 - 2016



Research Unit

Project Leader



12 New Contactless Magn etic Couplings for Applications in Microfluidics, Renewable Energy, and Nautical Propulsion Mechanics and Materials Unit  Eliot Fried Phase I Finished
11 High throughput portable LSPR system for bio/chemical analysis Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit  Amy Shen Phase I Finished
10 Privacy preserving real-time data analysis platform Integrated Open Systems Unit  Hiroaki Kitano Phase I Finished
9 Development of a facile process to deposit smooth organic– inorganic hybrid perovskite films for large area photovoltaic applications Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Yabing Qi Phase I Finished


Round 2 - 2015



Research Unit

Project Leader



8 Laser controlled liposome drug delivery system Neurobiology Research Unit  Jeff Wickens Phase I Finished
7 Next generation label-free biosensors Nanoparticles by Design  Mukhles Sowwan Phase I Finished
6 Developing microbial fuel cells for bioethanol process improvement through substrate-directed bacterial community enrichment Biological Systems Unit  Igor Goryanin Phase I Finished


Round 1 - 2015 



Research Unit

Project Leader



5 In vitro synthesis of high molecular weight cellulose Marine Genomics Unit Nori Satoh Phase I Finished
4 Second generation tubular microbial fuel cells Biological Systems Unit  Igor Goryanin Phase I Finished
3 Hydrolase-like peptide to cleave amyloid-beta protein Cell Signal Unit Tadashi Yamamoto Phase I Finished
2 Smart Gas Sensing Platform for Mobile Devices Nanoparticles by Design  Mukhles Sowwan Phase I Finished
1 Large Area Perovskite Solar Cells by Chemical Vapor Deposition Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Yabing Qi Phase I Finished