Upcoming Events
COI-NEXT Call for New Projects 2025
The OIST COI-NEXT Program is excited to announce the Call for New Projects 2025! We are looking for interdisciplinary projects that are dedicated to delivering tangible outcomes in support of the One World, One Health vision. Proposals are due by March 31, 2025 , at 12:00 PM.
Science Challenge 2025
OIST Science Challenge is a unique opportunity for participants to extend their scientific education and experience research at OIST.
OIST Innovation Open Hour
OIST Innovation opens its doors to the OIST community every Friday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Have you ever wondered if your discoveries could lead to a patent or startup? Curious about what happens at OIST Innovation? Have an idea for a product or service? We welcome your ideas and questions!
[Seminar] "Renewable, Recyclable, and Remarkable Aliphatic Polyester Block Polymers as Sustainable Plastics and Elastomers" by Prof. Marc Hillmyer, University of Minnesota
Marc A. Hillmyer, PhD , Professor, Department of Chemistry, Center for Sustainable Polymers, University of Minnesota
[Seminar] "Role of axonal importin β1 in presynaptic local translation and spatial memory" by Philip Freund
Speaker: Philip Freund, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Title: Role of axonal importin β1 in presynaptic local translation and spatial memory
[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST
English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]The room next to the ATM in the center building
[Seminar] Revisiting Stress Propagation in a Two-Dimensional Circular Disk and a Three-Dimensional Sphere Under Diametric Loading
Speaker: Dr. Satoshi Takada, Associate Professor: Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
language: English
[Seminar] Semiconductor Detectors for Imaging and Precision Timing by Dr. Jennifer Ott
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Ott, Assistant Professor, ECE, College of Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Please RSVP by 7 am on Thursday, Mar. 27 : https://forms.gle/FnWHrH62KEoiJUwv7
Yin Yang of Repetitive RNAs in tissue regeneration and aging
Seminar by Prof. Valerio Orlando
OIST Representation Theory Seminar
OIST Representation Theory Seminar
Public Lecture: "How Do Animals Make Sound?" by Coen Elemans
Public Lecture : "How Do Animals Make Sound? … Even While Holding Their Breath" by Prof. Coen Elemans (University of Southern Denmark)
Language: English with Japanese simultaneous interpretation General audience, anyone with an interest in the topic. Recommended for 10 years old and over Registration required
Seminar: Multipliers of orbital angular momentum of light
Title: Multipliers of orbital angular momentum of light
Speaker: Dr Georgiy Tkachenko, University of Bordeaux, France
TSVP Talk: "Towards a Structural Understanding of Consciousness" by Nao Tsuchiya
TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).
[Seminar] Does Synaptic Strength Encode Sleep Need?
Title: Does Synaptic Strength Encode Sleep Need?
Speaker: Dr. Shoi Shi, Principal Investigator, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS), University of Tsukuba
Language: English
[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST
English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]The room next to the ATM at the Center Building
The Provost Lecture Series 18
[Seminar] "Synaptic Machinery for Protein Turnover" by Prof. Chao Sun, Aarhus University, Denmark
"Synaptic Machinery for Protein Turnover" by Prof. Chao Sun, Aarhus University, Denmark
KAGAKUJIKAN2025 (Science Week 2025)
This is one of the science event for Japan Science Week.
Venue: Nago Museum
Admission Free
[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST
English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where] The room next to the ATM in the center building
[Seminar] "Shaping Experiences by Designing Sensorimotor Contingencies" by Dr. Paul Strohmeier
Dr. Paul Strohmeier, Group Leader in Max Planck Institute for Informatics Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)
The Provost Lecture Series 19
[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST
English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]The room next to ATM in the Center Building
Graduation Ceremony 2025
The Graduation Ceremony to award degrees to those who graduated in the period May 2024 to April 2025. The ceremony will take place at the OIST Auditorium on Saturday, May 24, 2025.
The event will be streamed online for those who cannot attend in person. For more information on the graduation program, speakers, and graduates, please visit: https://www.oist.jp/graduation
For any questions, please contact: graduation@oist.jp
12th International Symposium on Leaf Surface Microbiology (“Phyllosphere 2025”)
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: David Armitage (Integrative Community Ecology Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
Recent Advances in Potential Theory and Partial Differential Equations
OIST Workshop | OIST organizer: Ugur Abdulla (Analysis and Partial Differential Equations) | Website | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
Okinawa School in Physics: From quantum key distribution to the quantum internet
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: David Elkouss Coronas (Networked Quantum Devices Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
Quantum Reference Frames: a QISS workshop
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Philipp Höhn (Qubits and Spacetime Unit)| OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
Cephalopod International Advisory Council 2025 in Okinawa (CIAC2025)
OIST Workshop | Website | Conference Chair Ryuta Nakajima and Dan Rokhsar | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
International Conference on Embodied of Cognitive Science (ECogS 2025)
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Tom Froese (Embodied Cognitive Science Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions (registration required).
New Years Holiday 年末年始2026
National holiday
Emerging Concepts in Cell Division Cycles: From Early Development to Cancer and Aging
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Tomomi Kiyomitsu (Cell Division Dynamics Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.
Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future: Addressing Demographic Challenges, Health and Gender Disparities, and Economic Inequality
OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Yuliya Kulikova (Science and Technology Group)| OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.