Seminars and Lectures
Since March 2020, the Theory of Quantum Matter Unit has hosted regular online seminars and occasional online lecture series. Attendance of these seminars from outside OIST is welcome: for Zoom links, please contact the TQM Unit.
Prof. Karlo Penc |
Prof. Anders W. Sandvik |
Dr. Kiyu Fukui |
Prof. Kazushi Aoyama |
Prof. Masafumi Udagawa |
Mr. Arthur Morris Theory of Condensed Matter Group, University of Cambridge Aug 20: Non-Abelian Hopf-Euler insulators |
Prof. Victor Drouin-Touchette Université de Sherbrooke, PASCAL Apr 10: Simulating Spin Systems Using Programmable Quantum Simulators |
Prof. Karlo Penc HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary Mar 21: Crystalline phases and devil's staircase in qubit spin ice |
Dr. Kimberly Remund Mar. 18: SCGA for Spin-1 Magnets |
Prof. Yutaka Akagi The University of Tokyo Mar 13: CP2 triple-Q state in the SU(3) Kondo lattice model |
Dr. Yuki Amari Keio University, Japan Mar 12: Domain-wall skyrmions in chiral magnets |
Prof. Han Yan |
Prof. Rico Pohle |
Prof. Robert Joynt Feb 9: Education in Quantum Science at the Master’s Degree Level Feb 15: Adaptive quantum optimization algorithms for ising-like models |
Dr. Kaito Kobayashi Feb 7: Quantum reservoir probing of nonequilibrium information propagation in diverse quantum systems |
Dr. Jeanne Colbois Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, France Sep 5: Constrained limits of classical frustrated Ising models from tensor networks |
Prof. Akio Tomiya International Professional University of Technology in Osaka, Japan Aug 30: Equivariant Transformer is All You Need |
Dr. Ayushi Singhania Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, Germany May 23: Disorder effects in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model |
Dr. Pranay Patil Max Plank Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany Apr 24 : Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between Spin Nematic and Valence Bond Crystal Order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model |
Prof. Gabriel Lemarie |
Prof. Tsuyoshi Okubo |
Mr. Douglas Hendry |
Dr. Yuki Amari |
Dr. Rico Pohle |
Prof. Michael Berry |
Prof. Robert Joynt |
Prof. Bumjoon Kim |
Dr. Han Yan |
Associate Prof. Yusuke Nambu |
Prof. Daniel Khomskii |
Prof. Claudio Castelnovo |
Dr. Allen Scheie |
Prof. Yong-Baek Kim |
Dr. Daniel Bulmash |
Dr. Chen-Hsuan Hsu |
Prof. Amalia Coldea |
Prof. Alan Tennant |
Dr. Rina Tazai |
Assistant Prof. Yutaka Akagi (Joint seminar with Motome Group, University of Tokyo). |
Prof. Snir Gazit |
Prof. Gianluca Stefanucci |
Prof. Andrey Zheludev Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland June 10 : Ferroelectricity in novel frustrated quantum magnets |
Prof. Nigel Hussey University of Bristol, UK / Radboud University, Netherlands June 3 : Two charge sectors in the strange metal regime of overdoped cuprates |
Prof. Michael Lawler Cornell University, USA May 20 : Topological frustration in a quantum spin ladder |
Prof. Martin Mourigal Georgia Institute of Technology, USA March 31 : Hybridization and interaction between quantum multipolar fluctuations in a conventional magnet |
Prof. Oleg Tchernyshyov Johns Hopkins University, USA March 25 : Quantum statistics of magnetic vortice |
Dr. Lucy Clark University of Birmingham, UK March 3 : Exploring a New Family of S = ½ Kagomé Antiferromagnets |
Prof. Momoi Tsutomu RIKEN, Japan February 24 : Coupled Trimer Description of Kagome Compound Volborthite |
Prof. Chisa Hotta University of Tokyo, Japan February 17 : Designing topological antiferro-magnons |
Prof. Gil Refael (Joint seminar with Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit, OIST). |
Dr. Luís Seabra InnoWave Technologies, Portugal February 03 : From Frustrated Magnets to Computer Vision |
Dr. Luka Trifunovic University of Zürich, Switzerland January 20 : N-band Hopf insulator |
Dr. Owen Benton MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany December 09 : Exactly solvable spin-1/2 models with highly-degenerate, partially ordered, ground states |
Prof. James Annett HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK December 2 : 30 years of Philip Anderson's RVB theory of high Tc superconductivity in cuprates: is it still relevant today? |
Prof. Johannes Reuther Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany November 11 : Classical spiral spin liquids as a possible route to quantum spin liquids |
Mr. Katsuhiro Tanaka University of Tokyo, Japan October 28 : A new twist on spin nematics/quadrupoles |
Dr. Kazushi Aoyama Osaka University, Japan October 21 : Spin current as a probe of KT-type topological transitions in magnets |
Prof. Pan Zhang Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China October 14 : Solving Statistical Mechanics: From Mean Field to Neural Networks, then to Tensor Networks |
Prof. Masafumi Udagawa Gakushuin University, Japan October 7 : Spectral singularity of spinons in quantum spin ice |
Prof. Yasir Iqbal Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India September 30 : “Completing the square” in frustrated magnets |
Prof. Jeffrey G. Rau University of Windsor, Canada September 24 : Spontaneous magnon decay and non-Hermitian topology |
Dr. Tetsuo Hanaguri RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan September 16 : Exotic superconducting states in FeSe-based materials investigated by spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscop |
Dr. Daigorou Hirai Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan September 1 : Multipolar orders in spin-orbit entangled 5d Mott insulator |
Prof. Harald O. Jeschke Okayama University, Japan August 24 : Search for spin liquids in three-dimensional materials |
Dr. Yoshihiko Okamoto Nagoya University, Japan August 18 : Magnetic and Volumetric Properties of Breathing Pyrochlore Magnet |
Dr. Estelle Inack Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada July 28 : Variational neural simulations and annealing |
Dr. Ke Liu Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany July 21 : Revealing the Phase Diagram of Kitaev Materials by Machine Learning: Cooperation and Competition between Spin Liquids |
Prof. Paolo Radaelli University of Oxford, UK July 3 : Room-temperature Half-skyrmions and Bimerons in an antiferromagnetic insulator via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism |
Prof. Roger Melko Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada June 30 : Unbiased estimators using generative neural samplers |
Prof. Kedar Damle Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India June 22 : Purely dipolar dimers in two dimensions |
Mr. Nat Tantivasadakarn Harvard University, USA June 16 : Searching for fracton orders via symmetry defect condensation |
Prof. Roger Melko Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada June 8 : Machine Learning the Quantum Many Body Problem |
Dr. Paul McClarty MPI-PKS, Germany May 18 : Topological Magnons |
Dr. Michael Pretko University of Colorado Boulder, USA May 13 : Fractons: A New Type of Particle |
Prof. Karlo Penc Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungary April 13, 20 and 27 : Short Lecture Series - SU(3) symmetric spin models |
- Dr. Grigory Bednik - University of California Santa Cruz, USA
March 26 : Hopfions in 3D dimer models