[Seminar] Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations

Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations
Prof. Gil Refael - California Institute of Technology
Gil Refael, is the Taylor W. Lawrence Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech. Refael is best known for his works on realizing Majorana fermions in solid state systems, and on quantum dynamics and control. Refael’s group has introduced the concepts of Floquet Topological insulators, and topological polaritons, and additionally worked on disordered magnets, superconductors and superfluids. Currently, he focuses on implementing concepts from topological physics to quantum control, as well as the microscopic origins of many-body localization. Refael is a recipient of a Sloan Fellowship, a Packard Fellowship, a Cottrell prize, and the Humboldt Foundation’s Bessel Prize. Refael graduated from Harvard University in 2003, where he worked under the guidance of Daniel Fisher and Eugene Demler.
The co-existence of spatial and non-spatial symmetries together with appropriate commutation/anticommutation relations between them can give rise to static higher-order topological phases, which host gapless boundary modes of co-dimension higher than one. Alternatively, space-time symmetries in a Floquet system can also lead to anomalous Floquet boundary modes of higher co-dimensions, with different commutation/anticommutation relations with respect to non-spatial symmetries. In my talk I will review how these dynamical analogs of the static HOTI's emerge, and also show how a coherently excited phonon mode can be used to support non-trivial Floquet higher-order topological phases.
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