Seminar : Spontaneous magnon decay and non-Hermitian topology

Prof. Jeffrey G. Rau, University of Windsor
Spontaneous magnon decay and non-Hermitian topology
Recently, magnon excitations have been explored as a potential route to realizing analogues of the topological band structures that have become ubiquitous in electronic systems. However, magnons are not necessarily stable quasi-particles, with spontaneous magnon decay a generic feature of anisotropic magnets, or magnets with non-colinear order. In this talk I will show how, instead of being a detriment, decay can drive the appearance new kinds of intrinsically non-Hermitian topological physics. This can lead to new kinds of spectral features, such as exceptional points or lines and bulk "arcs" connecting them. I will illustrate this physics through a concrete example: a honeycomb ferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange, comparing interacting spin-wave calculations with an effective non-Hermitian model. Finally, I discuss more broadly how the zoo of known topological protected magnon band structures may serve as a nearly ideal platform for realizing non-Hermitian physics in solid-state systems.
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