[Seminar] Mr. Benedikt Schneider "Projective symmetry group classification of chiral Z_2 spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: Application to the XXZ model"


Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 16:00 to 17:00





Mr. Benedikt Schneider
Physics Department, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics,
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich

Research Interests: Spin Liquids, Projective Symmetry Group, Spin-fRG, Rydberg Atom Arrays.


Projective symmetry group classification of chiral Z_2 spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: Application to the XXZ model


Quantum spin liquids are phases of frustrated magnets which do not exhibit long-range magnetic order down to zero temperature and cannot be classified based on Landau’s theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In contrast to trivial paramagnetic phases, they exhibit topological order. A promising platform to study such exotic forms of quantum magnetism are the rare earth pyrochlores. In our recent paper we gave a complete classification of fully symmetric as well as chiral Z_2 quantum spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice using a projective symmetry group analysis of Schwinger-Boson mean-field states. After a general introduction on spin liquids in Pyrochlore materials, I will introduce Schwinger-Boson mean-field theory and outline the projective symmetry group treatment that is necessary to arrive at such a classification. Finally, I will apply the newly found states to the XXZ Model and compare our results to previous numerical studies.



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