FY2024 Presentations

(April 1st 2024 - Present)

Presentations by TQM Unit Members which took place in FY 2024 are listed below.    Details of presentations which took place before April 1st 2024 can be found in the Unit's Annual Reports.

Invited Talks at Conferences and Workshops

Tokuro Shimokawa
"What can we learn about quantum magnets from experimentally accessible entanglement measures?"
ISSP Workshop 2024 カゴメフラストレート磁性研究の進展, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (2025.3.11)

Matthias Gohlke
"Thermal Pure Matrix Product State in Two Dimensions: Tracking Thermal Equilibrium from Paramagnet Down to the Kitaev Spin Liquid State"
Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2025.01.15)

Matthias Gohlke
"Quantum Spin Nematics in Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnets: A Highly-Entangled State of Matter"
preTPS Workshop National Center of Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2025.01.13)

Nic Shannon
Using ideas from quantum information to learn about quantum magnets"
Emergent Quantum Matter with Topology and Correlation, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Korea (2024.11.27)

Nic Shannon
Fractional excitations on the pyrochlore lattice, from PKS late 2000, to the present"
Electronic Correlations and Beyond - in Memory of Peter Fuldeto, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPIPKS), Dresden, Germany (2024.10.04)

Matthias Gohlke
"Thermal pure matrix product state in 2D: tracking thermal equilibrium from paramagnet down to the Kitaev spin liquid state"
Current and Future Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems 2024 (CompQMB2024), ISSP, Kashiwa Campus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2024.09.27)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"What can we learn about quantum magnets from experimentally accessible entanglement measures?"
Extreme universe 4th annual meeting, Osaka, Japan (2024.09.26)

Jonas Sonneschein
永遠の空気(Eternal Air)”
The Leading Carbon Removal Business Summit, New York, USA (2024.05.21)

Nic Shannon
"Physics out of Joynt: from pseudogaps to quantum computers"
Joynt Fest: From Electron Correlations to Quantum Computing, Madison, USA (2024.05.16)

Tokuro Shimokawa
物性研究所スパコン共同利用・CCMS合同研究会「計算物質科学の現在と未来」, Tokyo, Japan (2024.04.03)

Contributed Talks

Nic Shannon
"Simulation of spin-1 magnets on frustrated lattices"
APS March Meeting 2025, Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA (2025.3.19)

Jiahui Bao
"On the origin of spin nematic order in Sr2IrO4"
APS March Meeting 2025, Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA (2025.3.19)

Ananya Samanta
"Exploring Entropy-Driven Thermodynamics in Chromium Spinels"
APS March Meeting 2025, Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA (2025.3.18)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Can experimentally accessible entanglement measures distinguish quantum spin liquid and random singlet states?"
APS March Meeting 2025, Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA (2025.3.17)

Snigdh Sabharwal
"Witnessing Disorder in Quantum Magnets"
APS March Meeting 2025, Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA (2025.3.17)

Tokuro Shimokawa
What can we learn about quantum magnets from experimentally-accessible entanglement measures?
第20回量子スピン系研究会, あきた芸術村, (2024.12.14)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Can experimentally-accessible measures of entanglement distinguish quantum spin liquid and random singlet states?"
From Quantum Materials to Quantum Information: Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science and Quantum Materials Synthesis (QMQI2024), OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.11.13)

Ayushi Singhania
"Emergence of vortex state in the S=1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy"
Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.10.25)

Nic Shannon
"Gravitational wave analogues in spin nematics and cold atoms"
Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.10.24)

Snigdh Sabharwal
"Witnessing Disorder in a Spin Liquid"
JPS Annual Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan (2024.09.19)

Jiahui Bao
"Magnon Spectra of Cuprates beyond Spin Wave Theory"
JPS Annual Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan (2024.09.18)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Can experimentally accessible entanglemant mesures distinguish quantum spin liquid and random singlet states?"
New Frontiers in Advanced Magnetism 2024, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (2024.08.07)

Nic Shannon
Gravitational wave analogues in frustrated magnets and cold atoms"
MPI-PKS Topological Quantum Matter in Magnetic and Synthetic Platforms, Dresden, Germany (2024.07.08)

Geet Rakala
"Are There Divergent Series in the Computational Physics?"
XXXV IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2024), Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece (2024.07.07)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Can experimentally-accessible measures of entanglement distinguish quantum spin liquid and random singlet states? "
International conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2024, Bologna , Italy (2024.07.04)

Matthias Gohlke
"Kitaev-like Frustrated Magnets: Minimal Models and their Challenges"
The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany (2024.06.20)

Nic Shannon
Gravitational wave analogues in spin nematics and cold atoms
Ultracold Atoms Japan 2024, OIST, Japan (2024.04.12)


Nic Shannon
"Using ideas from quantum information to learn about quantum magnets"
University of California, Irvine, California, USA (2025.03.14)

Matthias Gohlke
"Quantum Spin Nematics in Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnets"
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (2025.02.11)

Matthias Gohlke
"Magnetic Excitations through the Lens of Tensor Networks: from Interacting Magnons to Fractional Quasi-Particles"
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CNRS & CEA, Paris-Saclay, France (2025.02.07)

Matthias Gohlke
"Proximate Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid with Spinon-like Excitations in an Anisotropic Kitaev-Gamma Model
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (2025.02.03)

Nic Shannon
"AI meets Theoretical Physics: machine learning assisted solution of a difficult problem in frustrated magnetism"
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, (2025.01.22)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Can experimentally accessible entanglement measures distinguish quantum spin liquid and random singlet states?"
Nomura-Onose Labs joint seminar, Tohoku University (2024.11.07)

Snigdh Sabharwal
"Witnessing Disorder in Spin Chains"
Institute of Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan (2024.07.03)

Ayushi Singhania
"Emergence of vortex state in the S = 1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy"
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, CNRS - Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (2024.07.03)

Pranay Patil
"Tunable topological protection in a triangular lattice of Rydberg atoms"
Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, CNRS, Toulouse, France (2024.07.02)

Matthias Gohlke
"Kitaev-like Frustrated Magnets: Minimal Models and their Challenges
The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany (2024.06.20)

Nic Shannon
"AI meets Theoretical Physics:  machine learning assisted solution of a difficult problem in frustrated magnetism
The University of Tokyo, Japan (2024.06.10)

Nic Shannon
AI meets Theoretical Physics:  machine learning assisted solution of a difficult problem in frustrated magnetism”
University of Minnesota, USA (2024.05.14)


Snigdh Sabharwal
"Witnessing Disorder"
From Quantum Materials to Quantum Information: Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science and Quantum Materials Synthesis (QMQI2024), OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.11.14)

Pranay Patil
"Tunable topological protection in Rydberg atom arrays"
From Quantum Materials to Quantum Information: Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science and Quantum Materials Synthesis (QMQI2024), OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.11.12)

Ayushi Singhania
"Emergence of vortex state in the S = 1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy"
From Quantum Materials to Quantum Information: Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science and Quantum Materials Synthesis (QMQI2024), OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.11.11)

Pranay Patil
"Topological quantum computing in Rydberg atom arrays"
Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2024.10.21)

Pranay Patil
"MPS approach to disordered Heisenberg chain"
Current and Future Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems 2024 (CompQMB2024), ISSP, Kashiwa Campus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2024.09.25)

Tokuro Shimokawa
"What can we learn about quantum magnets from experimentally accessible entanglement measures?"
The 3rd young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration & The 6th "Extreme Universe" School, Grand Park Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan (2024.09.14)

Matthias Golhke
"Proximate Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid with Spinon Excitations in an Anisotropic Kitaev-Gamma Model"
MPI-PKS Topological Quantum Matter in Magnetic and Synthetic Platforms, Dresden, Germany (2024.07.09)

Pranay Patil
Tunable topological protection in ryoberg atom arrays"
MPI-PKS Topological Quantum Matter in Magnetic and Synthetic Platforms, Dresden, Germany (2024.07.09)

Matthias Golhke
"Thermal pure matrix product state in two dimensions: tracking thermal equilibrium from paramagnet down to the Kitaev spin liquid state"
MPI-PKS Non-equilibrium Many-body Physics Beyond the Floquet Paradigm, Dresden, Germany (2024.06.27)

Pranay Patil
Anomalous relaxation of density waves in a ring-exchange system"
MPI-PKS Non-equilibrium Many-body Physics Beyond the Floquet Paradigm, Dresden, Germany (2024.06.27)

Ayushi Singhania
"Protecting Hilbert space fragmentation through quantum Zeno dynamics"
MPI-PKS Non-equilibrium Many-body Physics Beyond the Floquet Paradigm, Dresden, Germany (2024.06.27)

Jiahui Bao
"Magnon spectra of Cuprates beyond spin wave theory"
The 1st workshop on Quantum Computation meets Quantum Many-Body Computation, New Physics Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2024.06.20)

Lecture Series

Tokuro Shimokawa
"Computational Physics"
Nihon University, 90 min x 15 classes, (2024.4 to 2024.9)