[Updated Apr 2023] Green Okinawa (18) Solar installation at home - post 1

Dear OISTers,

In the spirit of sharing practical information about how to live in a sustainable way in Okinawa, Please find our first post on the topic of solar panel installations on homes.

KarE-roof is a service that installs solar panels and storage batteries in your home free of charge.


  • Installation is free of charge
  • the electricity generated by the solar panel will be cheaper than electricity from the grid
  • the home will still have electricity from the solar panels and battery even in the event of a typhoon where electricity from the grid is lost
  • the electricity company takes care of maintaining the solar panels
  • the home will be generating electricity from a renewable source of energy

There are some practical requirements to be eligible for this programme, including:

  • The roof area of ​​the building must be 40 m2 or more

  • The storage battery installation area must be 1 m2

  • The roof must be flat and the house made of concrete

  • The building must be detached and have 1 or 2 stories (not more)

  • The house is less than 35 years old

For more information please visit https://www.kare-roof.jp/ which includes a short YouTube video about the programme and the application form.

The official contact is the KarE roof Secretariat for the Okinawa New Energy Development Co, telephone number 098-923-2477, operating Monday-Friday 10am-5pm.

Using clean and renewable energy is a critical part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and averting the worst impacts of climate change.


Read other Green Okinawa posts in the series here

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Photo credit: https://www.okiden.co.jp/

The post was developed in collaboration with Ami Chinen (OIST SCDA), Yoshimasa Nakamura (OIST Resource Center) and Kate Whitfield.