Finding a Job in Okinawa

One of the biggest challenges one may face as a trailing partner of someone working at OIST can be finding a job. While it can be difficult to obtain employment in Okinawa without Japanese skills, it is not completely impossible. Positions teaching English to Japanese students are often available and clerical/administrative positions, as well as restaurant work can be found on occasion.

This is a page with information on whether Dependent visa holders are permitted to work in Japan, how to look for a job in Okinawa, etc.

Please note that Resource Center does not provide job hunting consultations or translation services to have CV's into Japanese, etc.

Are "Dependent" visa holders permitted to work in Japan?

Below are quoted from Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigers regarding foreign nationals who are permitted to work in Japan and those who are not.

Foreign nationals with the following residential status cannot work in Japan unless they obtain a permit for extra-status activities:

"College Student", "Pre-college Student" and "Dependent".

Foreigners with the above residential status are not allowed to engage in income-generating business nor receive remuneration.
In case the foreigners with the status of "College Student", "Pre-college Student" and "Dependent" wish to work must obtain a permit for extra-status activities from the Immigration Bureau before they start working. However, the permission is given only when it is clear that such activity does not affect his/her primal activity.

Part-time job by college students and pre-college students is permitted to be within the scope that will not be a hinder to their study which is their primal activity.For example, college students are permitted to work up to 28 hours a week (occasional students and research students, up to 14 hours a week). Besides, part-time job by pre-college students has to be within four hours a day.

Please refrain from working in the following cases as they constitute illegal work.

  1. In case a foreign national with a residential status permitted to work has engaged in an income-generating business or received remuneration through an activity outside the scope of his/her residential status, without obtaining a permit for extra-status activities.
  2. In case a foreign national with a residential status which does not allow to work has engaged to an income-generating business or received remuneration without obtaining permission for extra-status activities.
  3. In case he/she has stayed and worked beyond the designated period of stay. Such working constitutes illegal working in terms of the Immigration Control Law, and is subject to deportation or criminal punishment.

    (For further information on residential statuses, please contact the nearest Local Immigration Control Bureau. )

Listed below are several resources that may help you find information about jobs in Okinawa.


Hello Work (Harō Wāku ハローワーク)

The most important resource available to job seekers on Okinawa is Hello Work, a program run by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Hello Work provides job databases, assistance with resume writing, interview advice, and many other services. The Okinawan branches do not offer English-language assistance, so if you do not speak Japanese, please bring someone along to interpret for you. Your passport and Alien Registration Card are necessary when you first register to use their services. There is a small Hello Work office in Urasoe City Hall, and larger offices in Naha and Okinawa City. Hello Work offices are open Monday-Friday 8:30am-12pm and 1pm-5pm.


Language Teaching

Many towns hire foreign residents to teach English in public elementary and junior high schools. Selection for jobs usually takes place at local Boards of Education (BOEs) from January through March, but it is always worthwhile to inquire at other times. Urasoe, Naha, Ginowan, and Okinawa City are the largest cities and have the most opportunities. Inquire at their BOEs, which are located in their respective city halls.

If you would like to teach a language other than English, high schools may be your best option, as some of them offer instruction in languages such as Chinese and Spanish. For high school teaching positions, consult with the Okinawa-ken BOE, located in the Naha Kencho.

Teaching jobs are also available at private language schools, but they sometimes do not have private listings. You can try looking in the phone book and making cold calls, visiting “Hello Work”, asking friends, and trying the Internet-based searches.


Jobs on U.S. Military Bases

The U.S. military is one of the biggest employers of local residents in Okinawa. Some jobs are only open to Japanese citizens, but there are many which can be filled by local residents of other nationalities. Here are some military-specific job websites:


Jobs for Japanese Speakers

If you speak Japanese above the 2kyu level on the JLPT, you may be able to work in the translation/interpretation fields. There are several translation companies located in Okinawa, mostly in Okinawa City and Urasoe. Consult the phone book for specific information.

There are also a plethora of Japanese job search websites. Help Wanted ads are called 求人情報 (kyūjin jōhō), and an online search of 沖縄 + 求人情報 will bring up a lot of useful websites.


English Language Job Search Websites

Several search engines allow you to search the Internet for jobs in Okinawa in English:

  • Japan Update - Click on "Classifieds" in the upper right-hand corner, and then select "Help Wanted" from the pull-down menu at the top.
  • Gaijin Pot - Click on the "JOBS" tab near the top of the page, and then select "Okinawa" from the "Areas" pull-down menu.
  • Okinawa Craigslist
  • Okinawayardsales- Click the “Jobs” link
  • Indeed - Set "Okinawa" as the location and write “English” in the job type field to find jobs for English speakers.
  • Career Cross- A good job resource for bilinguals. It lists mostly white-collar jobs.
  • Daijob- Very similar to CareerCross in that it lists jobs mostly targeted towards bilinguals.