[Child allowance] How to submit "the present status report" - Yomitan

The "Present status report" is a report which is to be submitted to the municipality every year in June to confirm the household's current childcare and income status in order to provide the household with child allowance. In case the report is not submitted by the due date, the allowance to be provided in October may be delayed. For Yomitan residents, the letter comes in an orange envelope.

Please fill out the form, put it along with other required documents in the return envelope enclosed (don't forget to buy and stick an 84 yen stamp), and post it by Wed, 30th June. The instruction on how to fill out the report is available here (Front of the form / Back of the form).

Please contact the Resource Center if you need assistance in filling out the form.

Submitting the report by post

  • Documents to be enclosed:
  1. Filled-out and signed "Present status report"
  2. A photocopy of the recipient's health insurance card(recipient is either of the parents/guardians)

* Please contact the Resource Center if the recipient is living separately from the child as you may be required to submit "the notice of separate custody " on top of the documents above.

       **Please contact the Resource Center if the child was registered in a different municipality as of 1st June 2021.

Yomitan village office contact info:

読谷村役場 こども未来課 児童手当担当  098-982-9240
