Getting a mobile phone number in Japan

Page contents:

  1. Three ways to get a mobile phone number in Japan

  2. Which one of the three options above should I choose?


1. Three ways to get a mobile phone number in Japan

  1. Apply for service provided by a major network operator

  2. Apply for a sub-brand service provided by a major network operator

  3. Apply through a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)


2. Which one of the three options above should I choose?

Recommended for those who...

- want in-person customer service

- want a suitable plan from various options

- want a phone service right away

- want to buy the latest phone model along with a sim

Monthly costs ranging from 2,500JPY to 15,000JPY


Recommended for those who...

- don't need in-person customer service

- want to have a large data allowance per month

- don't mind waiting several days until a sim card is delivered

Monthly costs ranging from 1,000JPY to 4,500JPY


Recommended for those who...

- want to have Japanese SIM cards before coming to Japan

- has a International credit or debit card

- wants English customer support

Monthly costs ranging from 4,620JPY to 7,350JPY


Recommended for those who...

- are looking for the cheapest option

- don't need in-person customer service

- don't need a large data allowance per month

- don't mind waiting several days until a sim card is delivered

Monthly costs ranging from 1,000JPY to 3,000JPY


3. Abstract of some of the services