Videos and Slides
Videos from OIST Mini-symposium “Holographic Tensors”
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
- 09:30-11:00 - Razvan Gurau "Invitation to random tensors" Slides
- 09:30-11:00 - Vincent Rivasseau "Classical Melonic Flows and the Spiked Tensor Model" Slides
- 11:45-12:30 - Dario Benedetti "Bilocal effective action for tensor models" Slides
- 14:30-16:00 - Yuki Sato "How to "cool down" Ising model on 2d dynamical triangulations" Slides
- 14:30-16:00 - Junggi Yoon "How to "cool down" Ising model on 2d dynamical triangulations" Slides
- 16:45-18:15 - Seiji Terashima "AdS/CFT Correspondence in Operator Formalism" Slides
- 16:45-18:15 - Astrid Eichhorn " Tensor models from a functional Renormalization Group perspective " Slides
Thursday, November 1, 2018
- 09:00-10:30 - Mikhail Vasilyev "From higher-spin gauge theory to strings and tensor models." Slides
- 09:00-10:30 - Pablo Diaz "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Tensor Theories" Slides
- 11:15-12:45 - Kiryl Pakrouski "Spectrum of O(4)^3 Majorana Tensor Model: SYK-like system without disorder"
- 11:15-12:45 - Joseph Ben Geloun "Counting U(N) and O(N) invariants, and graph algebras of tensor models" Slides
- 14:45-16:15 - Sabine Harribey "Adding bosons to an SYK-like model" Slides
- 14:45-16:15 - Nicolas Delporte "Phase diagram of 3d Tensorial Gross-Neveu" Slides
- 14:45-16:15 - K.V. Pavan Kumar "Towards Singlet Spectrum in Holographic Tensor Models" Slides
- 16:45-17:45 - Johannes Lumma "Universality classes for the continuum limit in rank-3 tensor models" Slides
- 16:45-17:45 - Romain Pascalie "On the large N limit of the Schwinger-Dyson equation of tensor field theory" Slides
Thursday, November 2, 2018
- 09:00-10:30 - Hiroshi Itoyama "Cut and join operator in ring in tensor models" Slides
- 09:00-10:30 - Frank Ferrari "Brief Review and New Results in Melonic Quantum Mechanics" Slides
- 09:00-10:30 - Frank Ferrari Q&A
- 11:15-12:45 - Dario Rosa "The Thouless time for mass-deformed SYK" Slides
- 11:15-12:45 - Sanjaye Ramgoolam "Tensor models, algebras and topological holography." Slides
- 15:30-16:15 - Benoit Collins "norm estimate for polynomials in unitary random tensors."
- 15:30-16:15 - Sylvain Carrozza "SYK-like tensor quantum mechanics with Sp(N) symmetry" Slides