"Synaptic and non-synaptic learning correlates in neural circuits" Christian Hansel

- Speaker : Dr. Christian Hansel
Principal Investigator , Hansel Lab - Neurobiology of learning & memory, the University of Chicago
Website: https://hansellab.uchicago.edu
- Title: 'Synaptic and non-synaptic learning correlates in neural circuits'
- Abstract:
LTP and LTD are cellular correlates of learning that are particularly well studied in the hippocampus and neocortex. In the cerebellum, these forms of plasticity have also been described, but they are governed by very different induction rules and have different consequences for circuit function. Dr. Hansel’s lab studies LTP and LTD in the cerebellum, the underlying molecular mechanisms and involvement in cerebellar motor learning. Recent work from his lab focuses on non-synaptic (intrinsic) plasticity mediated by a modulation of calcium-dependent SK2-type potassium channels. In the seminar, Dr. Hansel will show how intrinsic plasticity adjusts signal processing in Purkinje cell dendrites in a branch-specific manner and how this novel type of plasticity may contribute to the memory engram by modulating pauses in spike firing. The Hansel lab also studies the involvement of altered cerebellar signaling in aspects of autism.
- Host: Erik De Schutter, Computational Neuroscience Unit
We hope to see many of you at the seminar.
Sachie Matsuoka / Computational Neuroscience Unit (De Schutter Unit)
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