G. Cirtala and E. De Schutter: Branch-specific clustered parallel fiber input controls dendritic computation in Purkinje cells. iScience 27: 9110756.
R.J. Nakatani and E. De Schutter: Active enhancement of synapse driven depolarization of perisynaptic astrocytic processes. Preprint.
J. Kwon, S. Kim, J. Woo, E. De Schutter, S. Hong and C.J. Lee: Cerebellar tonic inhibition orchestrates the maturation of information processing and motor coordination. Preprint.
I. Hepburn, J. Lallouette, W. Chen, A.R. Gallimore, S.Y. Nagasawa-Soeda and E. De Schutter: Vesicle and reaction-diffusion hybrid modeling with STEPS. Communications Biology 7: 573.
G. Cirtala and E. De Schutter: Branch-specific clustered parallel fiber input controls dendritic computation in Purkinje cells. Preprint published in IScience.
S. Kim, J. Jeon, D. Ganbat, T. Kim, K. Shin, S. Hong and J. Hong: Alteration of Neural Network and Hippocampal Slice Activation through Exosomes Derived from 5XFAD Nasal Lavage Fluid. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24: 14064.
J. Myung, S. Hong, C. Schmal, H. Vitel and M.-Y. Wu: Weak synchronization can alter circadian period length: Implications for aging and disease conditions. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17:1242800.
M.-Y. Kim, M. J. Kim, C. Lee, J. Lee, S.S. Kim, S. Hong, H.T. Kim, J. Seo, K.-J. Yoon and S. Han: Trametinib activates endogenous neurogenesis and recovers neuropathology in a model of Alzheimer’s disease. Experimental & Molecular Medicine 55: 2177–2189.
A.R. Gallimore, I. Hepburn, S. Rizzoli and E. De Schutter: Dynamic Regulation of Vesicle Pools in a Detailed Spatial Model of the Complete Synaptic Vesicle Cycle. Preprint.
Y. Zang and E. De Schutter: Recent data on the cerebellum require new models and theories. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 82:102765.
M. Kato and E. De Schutter: Models of Purkinje cell dendritic tree selection during early cerebellar development. PLoS Computational Biology 19: e1011320.
E. De Schutter: Efficient simulation of neural development using shared memory parallelization. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 17:1212384.
I. Hepburn, J. Lallouette, W. Chen, A.R. Gallimore, S.Y. Nagasawa and E. De Schutter: Hybrid vesicle and reaction-diffusion modeling with STEPS. Preprint published in 2024 in Communications Biology.
A. Markanday*, S. Hong*, J. Inoue, E. De Schutter and P. Thier: Multidimensional cerebellar computations for flexible kinematic control of movements. Nature Communications 14: 2548.
S. Verduzco-Flores and E. De Schutter: Self-configuring feedback loops for sensorimotor control. eLife: 77216.
A. Denizot, M. Arizono, V.U. Nägerl, H. Berry and E. De Schutter: Control of Ca2+ signals by astrocyte nanoscale morphology at tripartite synapses. Glia 70: 2378-2391.
W. Chen, I. Hepburn, A. Martyushev and E. De Schutter: Modeling Neurons in 3D at the Nanoscale. In: Giugliano, M., Negrello, M., Linaro, D. (eds) Computational Modelling of the Brain. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1359: 3-24. Springer, Cham.
W. Chen, T. Carel, O. Awile, N. Cantarutti, G. Castiglioni, A. Cattabiani, B. Del Marmol, I. Hepburn, J.G. King, C. Kotsalos, P. Kumbhar, J. Lallouette, S. Melchior, F Schürmann and E. De Schutter: STEPS 4.0: Fast and memory-efficient molecular simulations of neurons at the nanoscale. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 16: 883742.
A. Denizot, M.F. Veloz Castillo, P. Puchenkov, C. Calì and E. De Schutter: The endoplasmic reticulum in perisynaptic astrocytic processes: shape, distribution and effect on calcium activity. Preprint.
S. Verduzco-Flores, W. Dorrell and E. De Schutter: A differential Hebbian framework for biologically-plausible motor control. Neural Networks 150: 237–258.
A. Covelo , A. Badoual and A. Denizot: Reinforcing Interdisciplinary Collaborations To Unravel The Astrocyte "Calcium Code". Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 72: 1443–1455.
L. Medlock, K. Sekiguchi, S. Hong, S. Dura-Bernal, W. Lytton and S. Prescott: Multiscale computer model of the spinal dorsal horn reveals changes in network processing associated with chronic pain. Journal of Neuroscience 42: 3133-3149.
G.A. Ascoli, D.N. Kennedy and E. De Schutter: Farewell, Neuroinformatics! Neuroinformatics 19: 551-552.
A. Denizot, C. Cali, H. Berry and E. De Schutter: Stochastic Spatially-Extended Simulations Predict the Effect of ER Distribution on Astrocytic Microdomain Ca2+ Activity. The Eight Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NANOCOM ’21)
Y. Zang and E. De Schutter: The Cellular Electrophysiological Properties Underlying Multiplexed Coding in Purkinje Cells. Journal of Neuroscience 41: 1850-1863.
S. Lindeman*, S. Hong*, L. Kros*, J.F. Meijas, V. Romano, R. Oostenveld, M. Negrello, L.W.J Bosman, and C.I. De Zeeuw: Cerebellar Purkinje cells can differentially modulate coherence between sensory and motor cortex depending on region and behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 118: e2015292118.
E. De Schutter: Comment on “The growth of cognition: Free energy minimization and the embryogenesis of cortical computation". Physics of Life Reviews 36:1-2.
S. Verduzco-Flores, W. Dorrell and E. De Schutter: An approach to synaptic learning for autonomous motor control. Preprint published in 2022 in Neural Networks.
D. Han, E. De Schutter and S. Hong: Lamina-specific neuronal properties promote robust, stable signal propagation in feedforward networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020) 1828.
Y. Zang, S. Hong and E. De Schutter: Firing rate-dependent phase responses of Purkinje cells support transient oscillations. eLife 9: 60692.
I. Wichert, S. Jee, E. De Schutter and S. Hong: Pycabnn: Efficient and extensible software to construct an anatomical basis for a physiologically realistic neural network model. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 14: 31.
Y. Zang and E. De Schutter: Climbing Fibers Provide Graded Error Signals in Cerebellar Learning. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13: 46.
E. De Schutter: Fallacies of Mice Experiments. Neuroinformatics 17: 181-183.
N. Vrieler, S. Loyola, Y. Yarden-Rabinowitz, J. Hoogendorp, N. Medvedev, T.M. Hoogland, C.I. De Zeeuw, E. De Schutter, Y. Yarom, M. Negrello, B. Torben-Nielsen, and M.Y. Uusisaari: Variability and directionality of inferior olive neuron dendrites revealed by detailed 3D characterization of an extensive morphological library. Brain Structure and Function 224: 1677–1695.
S.O. Verduzco Flores and E. De Schutter: Draculab: A Python simulator for firing rate neural networks with delayed adaptive connections. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 13:18.
C.G. Zamora Chimal and E. De Schutter: Ca2+ requirements for Long-Term Depression are frequency sensitive in Purkinje Cells. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 11: 438.
Y. Zang, S. Dieudonné and E. De Schutter: Voltage- and Branch-specific Climbing Fiber Responses in Purkinje Cells. Cell Reports 24: 1536–1549.
J. Myung*, C. Schmal*, S. Hong*, Y. Tsukizawa, P. Rose, Y. Zhang, M. Holtzman, E. De Schutter, H. Herzel, G. Bordyugov and T. Takumi: The Choroid Plexus is an Important Circadian Clock Component. Nature Communications 9: 1062.
A.R. Gallimore, T. Kim, K. Tanaka-Yamamoto and E. De Schutter: Switching on depression and potentiation in the cerebellum. Cell Reports 22: 722-733.
E. De Schutter: Deep learning and computational neuroscience. Neuroinformatics 16: 1-2.
S. Nanda, H. Chen, R. Das, S. Bhattacharjee, H. Cuntz, B. Torben-Nielsen, H. Peng, D. Cox, E. De Schutter, and G. Ascoli: Design and implementation of multi-signal and time-varying neural reconstructions. Scientific Data 5:170207.
J. Myung and S.D. Pauls: Encoding seasonal information in a two-oscillator model of the multi-oscillator circadian clock. European Journal of Neuroscience 48: 2718-2727 (2018).
S.K. Sudhakar*, S. Hong*, I. Raikov, R. Publio, C. Lang, T. Close, D. Guo, M. Negrello and E. De Schutter: Spatiotemporal network coding of physiological mossy fiber inputs by the cerebellar granular layer. PLoS Computational Biology 13: e1005754.
C. Schmal, J. Myung, H. Herzel and G. Bordyugov: Moran’s I quantifies spatio-temporal pattern formation in neural imaging data. Bioinformatics 33:3072-3079.
W. Chen and E. De Schutter: Parallel STEPS: Large Scale Stochastic Spatial Reaction-Diffusion Simulation with High Performance Computers. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11: 13.
I. Hepburn, A. Jain, H. Gangal, Y. Yamamoto, K. Tanaka-Yamamoto and E. De Schutter: A model of induction of cerebellar Long-Term Depression including RKIP inactivation of Raf and MEK. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10: 19.
W. Chen and E. De Schutter: Time to bring single neuron modeling into 3D. Neuroinformatics 15: 1-3.
E. De Schutter: Neuroinformatics for degenerate brains. Neuroinformatics 14: 1-3.
E. De Schutter: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Neuroinformatics at the Bench. Neuroinformatics 13: 131-132.
B. Torben-Nielsen and E. De Schutter: Context-aware modeling of neuronal morphologies. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 8: 92.
E. De Schutter: The dangers of plug-and-play simulation using shared models. Neuroinformatics 12: 227-228.
K. Veys, D. J. Snyders and E. De Schutter: Kv3.3b expression defines the shape of the complex spike in the Purkinje cell. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7: 205.
C. Simon, W. Chen, I. Hepburn and E. De Schutter: The role of dendritic spine morphology in the compartmentalization and delivery of surface receptors. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 36: 483-497.
I. Hepburn, R. Cannon and E. De Schutter: Efficient calculation of the quasi-static electrical potential on a tetrahedral mesh and its implementation in STEPS. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7: 129.
H. Anwar*, I. Hepburn*, H. Nedelescu, W. Chen and E. De Schutter: Stochastic calcium mechanisms cause dendritic calcium spike variability. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 15848-15867.
S. Ratté, S. Hong, E. De Schutter and S.A. Prescott: Impact of neuronal properties on network coding: Roles of spike initiation dynamics and robust synchrony transfer. Neuron 78: 758-772.
S. Huang and M.Y. Uusisaari: Physiological temperature during brain slicing enhances the quality of acute slice preparations. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7: 48.
E. De Schutter: Collaborative modeling in neuroscience: time to go open model? Neuroinformatics 11: 135-136.
E. De Schutter: The importance of stochastic signaling processes in the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity. Neural Networks 47: 3-10.
M.R. Diaz, A. Wadleigh, S. Kumar, E. De Schutter and C.F. Valenzuela: Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition partially mimics the ethanol-induced increase of the Golgi cell-dependent component of the tonic GABAergic current in rat cerebellar granule cells. PLoS One 8:e55673.
Note: this page lists only the Unit's publications in international journals, conference proceedings and books. We do not list abstracts or PhD theses. A complete list of Erik De Schutter's publications can be found at Orcid.
* these authors contributed equally to this work