[Seminar] "Dynamics of the vortex-particle complexes bound to the free surface of superfluid helium" by Petr Moroshkin



C016, Lab 1


"Dynamics of the vortex-particle complexes bound to the free surface of superfluid helium"

by Petr Moroshkin, Staff Scientist, Konstantinov Unit



We present an experimental and theoretical study of the 2D dynamics of electrically charged nanoparticles trapped under a free surface of superfluid helium in a static vertical electric fi eld. We focus on the dynamics of particles driven by the interaction with quantized vortices terminating at the free surface. We identify two types of particle trajectories and the associated vortex structures: vertical linear vortices pinned at the bottom of the container and half-ring vortices travelling along the free surface of the liquid.

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