
2024年9月5日 (木) 10:30 11:45


This year’s human subjects research annual training is scheduled for September 5 in the C209 seminar room and online (zoom). Starting time is 10:30, so please mark your calendar! Dr. Kei Takeshita, Professor of Tokai University, gives a seminar. Anyone who is interested in the seminar is welcome (you don’t have to be HSR researchers). We are planning to make an online version of the training available later for those who missed the event. This training is mandatory for human subjects researchers.


2024年9月27日 (金) 15:00 17:00

At the upcoming seminar for the professional development program, I will have the opportunity to share my unique experiences transitioning from academia to industry, as well as my involvement with non-profit organizations. These experiences serve as examples of the diverse career opportunities available within the field of science.


2024年10月28日 (月) 14:00 15:00

[Speaker] Dr. Cristian Marchioli, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, University of Udine, Italy


2024年10月28日 (月) 10:00 11:00

[Speaker] Dr. Gautier Verhille, CNRS researcher at IRPHE, Marseille, France


2024年9月13日 (金) 15:00 16:00

Title: Encoding mechanical and chemical information in cell membrane organization:
a sensory engram

Speaker: Dr. Satyajit Mayor



2024年8月28日 (水) 11:00 12:00

Join Zoom link

Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English


2024年9月3日 (火) 15:00

Language: English


2024年8月27日 (火) 15:00 16:00

"Visualizing how SARS-CoV-2 attacks the olfactory system in COVID-19 patients" by Dr Peter Mombaerts, Director, Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics, Frankfurt, Germany.


2024年9月4日 (水) 15:00 16:00

Speaker: Dr. Thinh Le, University of Technology Sydney


2024年8月29日 (木) 15:00 16:00

Dr. Jorge Puebla, Research Scientist in the Nano-scale Magnetism Team of the Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) , RIKEN
