Past Events

Academic Career Seminar with SOKENDAI

2023年9月8日 (金) 15:00 16:30
Online (Zoom)

Our presenter Dr. Hie Lim Kim and Dr. Gouki Okazawa will discuss how to build a career in global Academia.  Since Dr. Kim completed her Ph.D. at SOKENDAI, she has developed her career in U.S. and then Singapore.  Dr. Okazawa also completer his Ph.D. at SOKENDAI in 2013, he worked as postdoc at New York University and then is currently a PI in China.  They will show how to develop a personal career blueprint and devise contingency plans.  Their talks include selection process they experienced in each country.  You will learn how early-career scientists can best prepare for success in a career. OIST(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University) students will join in lecture and then breakout session for interaction with SOKENDAI students.

OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2023年9月

2023年9月7日 (木) 10:00

OIST Caféとは、コーヒー片手にカジュアルに参加できる、理系の学生のためのサイエンスカフェです。沖縄科学技術大学院(OIST)での博士課程、リサーチインターンシップ、また様々なサイエンスワークショップについて紹介されます。分野の壁を越え、教育・研究を全て英語で行っているユニークな環境、さらに学生の85%が外国人というOISTの博士課程についても、OIST現役学生及び修了生の視点からの大学生活紹介があります。OISTってどんな大学院?英語の必要なレベルは?卒業後のキャリアオプションとは?など、あなたの疑問に全てお答えします!

Welcome Ceremony for the Class of 2023

2023年9月4日 (月) 10:30
OIST Auditorium

Welcome Ceremony for new faculty members joining OIST, and PhD students joining the Class of 2023.

The ceremony is open to all OIST community members (no prior registration needed), and will be held at the Auditorium, from 10:30am-12:00pm. 

Welcome Ceremony Program

Opening Ryukyu Dance Performance

Welcome and Remarks, President Markides

Introduction of New Faculty 

Welcome from the Dean of Graduate School, Prof. Thomas Busch

Introduction of Students

Welcome from the Student Council

Student's Choice Award for Teaching

Closing Eisa Performance

OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in July 2023

2023年7月26日 (水) 16:00

OIST Café is a casual science information session to introduce the OIST PhD program, Research Internship, and other workshops. What do cutting-edge research and education look like? What are the qualification and criteria to get into Graduate School? What are the career options after the graduation? OIST members such as PhD students and admissions officers will meet you to answer all your questions!

3min Pitch Presentation Tips and Falling Walls Lab Briefing

2023年6月16日 (金) 10:30 11:30
Lab3 C700

Are you interested in making your presentations more memorable? Would you like to participate in a global event and give a speech on the big stage?

The Falling Walls Lab events and similar 3min pitch competitions give young researchers the chance to impress the world with their work.


In this briefing session Moe Atwa (recent OIST Graduate; Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2023 winner and global finalist) and Jonas Fischer (Academic Coordinator for Visiting Programs; Falling Walls 2020 Top 10 Winner) will talk about their experiences at the Falling Walls Lab Sendai and the global finals in Berlin. In addition, Izabela Porebska and Theodoros Bouloumis of OIST’s Orators Club will share their experiences from Falling Walls, “3 Minute Thesis”, and similar events.

The main part of the session will be on general methods and tips to make your presentations more engaging.


Finally, we will explain how to apply for the Falling Walls Lab Tokyo 2023 on July 25th, which will be co-hosted by OIST, and the planned practice sessions in June and July.
However, there is no need to apply for the actual Falling Walls Lab in order to join this briefing session. Feel free to join if you are interested in the topic in general, or thinking about joining the Falling Walls Lab competition or a similar event in the future. Open to all students, postdocs, and employees at OIST.

Individual Development Plan (IDP) - ***Mandatory for Class 2023***

2023年6月9日 (金) 15:00 16:30
Venue: B700

**This event has been canceled.**

Completing an Individual Development Plan annually will help you to

  • Recognize your strengths and also identify areas for improvement​
  • Realize your potential as both a researcher and a research leader ​
  • Improve your ability to work effectively as a student ​
  • Achieve future career success either in academia or beyond

GPSS Introduction seminar @OIST (In person session)

2023年6月7日 (水) 14:00 15:30

What is GPSS Group?
GPSS Group is Tokyo based and engaged in a wide range of energy businesses including solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biogas, as well as a variety of other businesses to realize a sustainable society. We consider the gifts of nature such: as water, wind, and heat, which all exist in the local regions as the "local commons." To create a sustainable society together with the local communities, we utilize these potentials that are naturally replenished. 

Big Geographical Data: a digital revolution for transportation studies (Session 2)

2023年6月6日 (火) 10:00 11:00
C210 in-person

This Mini Course will provide participants with a better understanding of tools and techniques used for gathering, understanding and using geographical data.  Although the focus is on human mobility data, principles and practices are relevant to much broader fields. We hope many of you will be able to join and consider potential applications in your own research. Each session is independent, so feel free to attend just one or both!

Big Geographical Data: a digital revolution for transportation studies (Session 1)

2023年6月5日 (月) 10:00 11:00
C210 in-person

This Mini Course will provide participants with a better understanding of tools and techniques used for gathering, understanding and using geographical data.  Although the focus is on human mobility data, principles and practices are relevant to much broader fields. We hope many of you will be able to join and consider potential applications in your own research. Each session is independent, so feel free to attend just one or both!


Graduation Ceremony 2023

2023年5月19日 (金) 14:00 16:00
OIST Auditorium

The Graduation Ceremony to award degrees to students who have graduated in the period May 2022 to April 2023.
