

Open to OIST community: Effective Team Dynamics (ETD) workshop

2024年7月4日 (木) 14:00 16:00
B700, Lab3

This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students, post-docs, and other researchers. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints. The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided.

This session will be focusing on Contribution and Values, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Crucial Conversation, adn Unconditional Positive Regards.


Class2023 ONLY: Effective Team Dynamics (ETD) workshop

2024年7月5日 (金) 15:00 17:00
C700, Lab3

This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students Class2023. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints. The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided.


Academic Career Seminar

2024年7月9日 (火) 9:00 10:00
Online (Zoom)

This is the 2nd career talk session collabolated with Sokendai. This session is open to other universityes too. Discover the keys to success in academia as accomplished OIST alumnae share personal anecdotes, invaluable advice, and practical strategies for navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead. Do not miss out this event which offers a golden opportunity to connect with our alumnae, forge meaningful connections, and gain inspiration from those who have walked the path before you.

We will have two of OIST almuni, Dr. Kamila Mustafina and Dr. Swathy Babu.

Prospective Students

OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2024年8月

2024年8月23日 (金) 15:00


Graduate School

Welcome Ceremony for the Class of 2024

2024年9月2日 (月) 10:00
OIST Auditorium

Welcome Ceremony for new faculty members joining OIST, and PhD students joining the Class of 2024.

The ceremony is open to all OIST community members and will be held at the Auditorium (Time TBD).