Past Events
OIST Café 大学院説明会 in 東京
2024年11月16日 (土) 14:00 〜 16:00東京でOIST Café大学院説明会を開催します!
OIST Career Fair 2024
2024年11月14日 (木) 9:00 〜 18:00Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) will organize the first OIST Career Fair on November 14th (Thu.), 2024. This career fair aims to provide opportunities for OIST students and companies in Japan to connect, build professional network, and create future employment. Through this, OIST students will be able to explore industry career paths, and companies will be able to learn the benefits of employing PhD holders.
Public Speech Seminar: The Elevator Speech
2024年10月17日 (木) 10:00 〜 11:30This webinar concentrates on the delivery aspects of scientific work. Content focuses on the main components of mindful communication and Elevator Speech development through lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises. We will also cover delivery techniques, storytelling narrative, enthusiasm, eye contact, camera presence for remote presentations, voice and diction.
Public Speech Seminar: Speaking about Science
2024年10月16日 (水) 10:00 〜 11:30This webinar is adapted from Speaking about Science written by Scott Morgan and covers the structure, organization, and delivery of talks to academic peers as well as the external community.
OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in October 2024
2024年10月4日 (金) 10:00OIST Café is a casual science information session to introduce the OIST PhD program, Research Internship, and other workshops.
October 4, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 (JST UTC+9), Online(Zoom), Language: English, Target: Prospective students
Special Career Talk: A Physicist’s Professional Journey and Career by Nancy Hecker-Denschlag
2024年9月27日 (金) 15:00 〜 17:00At the upcoming seminar for the professional development program, I will have the opportunity to share my unique experiences transitioning from academia to industry, as well as my involvement with non-profit organizations. These experiences serve as examples of the diverse career opportunities available within the field of science.
Welcome Ceremony for the Class of 2024
2024年9月2日 (月) 10:00 〜 11:30Welcome Ceremony for new faculty members joining OIST, and PhD students joining the Class of 2024.
The ceremony is open to all OIST community members and will be held at the Auditorium.
OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2024年8月
2024年8月23日 (金) 15:00セッションは日本語で行われます。OISTの博士課程やリサーチインターン、それぞれの出願プロセス、入学後の流れ、経済支援、大学院生活などが紹介され、ゲストスピーカーとして、OISTの現役博士課程学生2名が登壇します。パネルディスカッションでは参加者が直接学生に質問ができます。
Career Chat with Professor Joshua Goldberg
2024年8月22日 (木) 15:00We are pleased to announce a "Career Chat with Professor Joshua Goldberg", TSVP Visiting Scholar.
Please join us for a career discussion with Professor Joshua Goldberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In a casual setting, he will, among other topics, be sharing his experiences as a neuroscientist in the medical device industry. He is open to any questions you may have and happy to discuss topics you are interested in.
Fireside Chat Career Talk with Professor Hirokazu Shirado
2024年8月15日 (木) 13:30 〜 14:30We are pleased to announce “Fireside Chat Career Talk with Professor Hirokazu Shirado”, TSVP Visiting Scholar.
Please join us for a career discussion with Professor Hirokazu Shirado, School of Computer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. In a casual setting, he will be sharing his experiences in academia in Japan and the US, industry in Japan, and exploring STEM and social science fields. It will be a great opportunity to learn insights of academia hiring process, building a strong CV, academia vs industry, differences in Japan and the US for academia/industry, career paths within academia, etc. He is open to any questions you may have and happy to discuss topics you are interested in.
Please join us!