Past Events
Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics (by KESCO) - 3 of 3
2021年11月19日 (金) 13:00 〜 15:00Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics training course aims to a tour for the most advanced equation based modeling and multiphysics modeling software. This course will be provided by KESCO, the company selling and supporting COMSOL Multiphysics in Japan.
Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics (by KESCO) - 2 of 3
2021年11月17日 (水) 13:00 〜 15:00Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics training course aims to a tour for the most advanced equation based modeling and multiphysics modeling software. This course will be provided by KESCO, the company selling and supporting COMSOL Multiphysics in Japan.
Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics (by KESCO) - 1 of 3
2021年11月15日 (月) 13:00 〜 15:00Mini Course: COMSOL Multiphysics training course aims to a tour for the most advanced equation based modeling and multiphysics modeling software. This course will be provided by KESCO, the company selling and supporting COMSOL Multiphysics in Japan.
[PhD Thesis Presentation_Zoom] - Po-Shun Chuang - "From Polyps to Colonies: Applying polyp bail-out to study coral coloniality"
2021年10月21日 (木) 19:00 〜 20:00PhD Public Presentation
Mini Course: R Package Development 3 of 3
2021年10月4日 (月) 10:00 〜 12:00R Package Development aims to provide you with the basic tools and knowledge to write your own high-quality R packages.
In this course, we aim to show you how to develop your own R packages. By doing so, you can take your R programming skills to the next level, becoming not just a user, but also a developer.
▼Target audience
This course is suitable for people who:
- Have some previous exposure to R (like Skill Pill: R)
- Want to become active contributors to the R community through package development
- or Want to learn some advanced features of R
Scientific Computing on AWS 4 of 4
2021年10月1日 (金) 15:00 〜 17:00Amazon Web Service (AWS) is a very powerful cloud computing platform powering not only Amazon, but also many other web services across the globe. Scientists are now embracing the massive computing capacity of AWS to perform innovative scientific computing.
▼Target audience
The course requires basic knowledge of Python programming language. In addition, basic understanding of Linux command line is desired to run the hands-on tutorials.
No prior knowledge in cloud computing is needed, but if you know how to use Deigo that will help.
OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2021年10月
2021年10月1日 (金) 10:00言語は英語で行われます。OISTの博士課程やリサーチインターン、それぞれの出願プロセス、入学後の流れ、経済支援、大学院生活などが紹介され、ゲストスピーカーとして、OISTの現役博士課程学生2名が登壇します。一人はOISTでリサーチインターンとして研究をしたのち、OIST博士課程に入学しました。リサーチインターンに興味がある方もぜひご参加ください。
Mini Course: R Package Development 2 of 3
2021年9月30日 (木) 10:00 〜 12:00R Package Development aims to provide you with the basic tools and knowledge to write your own high-quality R packages.
In this course, we aim to show you how to develop your own R packages. By doing so, you can take your R programming skills to the next level, becoming not just a user, but also a developer.
▼Target audience
This course is suitable for people who:
- Have some previous exposure to R (like Skill Pill: R)
- Want to become active contributors to the R community through package development
- or Want to learn some advanced features of R
Scientific Computing on AWS 3 of 4
2021年9月29日 (水) 15:00 〜 17:00Amazon Web Service (AWS) is a very powerful cloud computing platform powering not only Amazon, but also many other web services across the globe. Scientists are now embracing the massive computing capacity of AWS to perform innovative scientific computing.
▼Target audience
The course requires basic knowledge of Python programming language. In addition, basic understanding of Linux command line is desired to run the hands-on tutorials.
No prior knowledge in cloud computing is needed, but if you know how to use Deigo that will help.
Mini Course: Vector Graphics
2021年9月28日 (火) 13:00 〜 15:00Vector graphics are computer graphics defined with points, lines and curves rather than pixels, which has the advantage of scaling perfectly to any resolution. This is well suited for many scientifics graphs and illustrations.
▼Target audience
This course is suitable for anyone.