Past Events

Effective Team Dynamics (ETD) workshop 2

2023年11月21日 (火) 13:00 16:00
B700, Lab3

This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students, post-docs, and other researchers. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students

Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints.

The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided. 

Effective Team Dynamics (ETD) workshop1

2023年11月20日 (月) 13:00 16:00
B700, Lab3

This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students, post-docs, and other researchers. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students

Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints.

The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided. 

Company Info Session (QunaSys)

2023年11月10日 (金) 15:00 16:30

Company overview:
QunaSys builds software for quantum computing to achieve its full potential through our algorithm development to product engineering. We engage in R&D for a future where quantum computers can be used as a disruptive tool in industries such as materials, chemistry, drug discovery, and many more.


OIST Café in Tokyo (3rd November 2023)

2023年11月3日 (金) 14:00 16:00
東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-22-7 道玄坂ピア2F

OISTの博士課程プログラムおよびリサーチ・インターンシップについて、またoistの雰囲気を体験する機会について、もっと知りたいと思いませんか?oist(沖縄科学技術大学院大学)のスタッフと卒業生が登壇し、博士課程・リサーチ・インターンシップの出願手続きや学生へのサポート、oistでの学生生活に関するあらゆる疑問にお答えします。スピーカーの情報は近日中に更新する予定です。< p="">

OIST Café in Tokyo on 2nd November 2023

2023年11月2日 (木) 19:00 21:00
東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-22-7 道玄坂ピア2F


OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in Oct 2023

2023年10月27日 (金) 16:00

OIST Café is a casual science information session to introduce the OIST PhD program, Research Internship, and other workshops. What do cutting-edge research and education look like? What are the qualification and criteria to get into Graduate School? What are the career options after the graduation? OIST members such as PhD students and admissions officers will meet you to answer all your questions!


2023年10月5日 (木) 15:00 17:00
B700 Grad School

Guest Speaker Prof Tom Froese

"Papers, Grants, and Writing"



Special Talk - "How the notion of harassment emerged in modern societies" by Dr. CLAUDINE HAROCHE

2023年9月29日 (金) 15:00 16:30

According to the philosophers of the Enlightenment, it is a moral duty to recognize others as equals worth of respect and recognition. Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Discourse on the origins of inequality and Adam Smith in the Treatise of moral feelings have analyzed the social inequalities and forms of domination which have persisted over the centuries and are still expressed by various kinds of unrespectful and violent behaviors. Sexual harassment whose victims are mostly women is the most conspicuous, but moral bullying, especially in the work place has also emerged as an explicit issue in modern societies, which needs to be seriously dealt with. The respect owed to anyone is not only a matter of moral duty. It has become a right inscribed in laws protecting the potential victims of all kind of harassment. Transforming a moral precept into a legal right is certainly a social progress. It raises however issues which will be discussed in the talk.

Career Talk: "How to write a lot and well" by Shinichi Nakagawa

2023年9月27日 (水) 10:00
C700, Lab 3

My research group has consistently published ~20 papers per year for 15 years, and most of these papers were published in the top 25% of journals (CiteScores) with an average citation of > 100. How did we manage to do this? There are several reasons. In this interactive talk session, I will share one core secret: how to write a lot and well. If you can do it, you are invincible in academia or elsewhere. But how do you do this? You should consider writing a review to transform you into an amazing writer.

Career Talk: "Systematic Reviews for Beginners" by Malgorzata Lagisz

2023年9月26日 (火) 10:00
C700, Lab 3

This interactive workshop is intended for those starting or considering a systematic review-like project. I will provide a quick overview of the systematic review process. The focus will be on the most common traps you may encounter and ways to avoid them. The interactive presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. For example, you may want to ask: "What are the types of reviews and what are they good for?", "What is a great topic for a systematic-like review?", "How long will it take?" etc.
