Past Events

Mini Course: Zsh 1 of 1

2021年4月20日 (火) 13:00 15:00
B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3

This Mini Course will sell Z shells on the Z shore.
The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting.

◆Target Audience
This course is suitable for people who have used Unix terminals before.

(Somewhat) Functional Journal Club

2021年4月13日 (火) 16:00 17:00
In this session, Jeremie Gillet will have a hands-on introduction to Elm, a functional programming language for building safe web applications. Intall Elm in advance.

HiSci Lab (ハイサイ・ラボ)2021

2021年3月13日 (土) (All day)
Fureai Taiken Center - Onna

The "Science Project for Ryukyu Girls Science Camp" that began in 2014 was re-named "HiSci Lab" in 2021. 

In order to support the advancement of women into the STEM field, we encourage female high school students in Okinawa Prefecture to continue their education in STEM. "Hi-Sci" is coming from "Highschool" + "Science".

Female researchers from Okinawa Prefecture who are active both inside and outside the prefecture will have the opportunity to pass on knowledge and convey the joys of science. In addition to lectures, students will have the opportunity to learn through workshops with PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers at OIST.

1st Admissions Workshop 2021

2021年2月1日 (月) (All day)2021年2月5日 (金) (All day)
Online via Zoom

Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the OIST PhD program in 2021

OIST NetCafé オンライン大学院説明会

2020年12月18日 (金) 10:00


Grant Writing - (2 days series December 16th, 17th) Applying for research grants and scholarships

2020年12月16日 (水) 10:00 12:00

Summary and objectives: These virtual workshops will provide practical insights and strategies to help researchers achieve this goal.

Project Management Program - 2020

2020年11月13日 (金) 13:302020年11月20日 (金) 17:00
Online Zoom Session

Project Management Training - 2020 by Peason Japan, Nov 13 Fri & 20 Fri

Leading Agile Projects provides student participants with the experience of managing a project through a hands-on competitive simulation that puts them in the role of project manager.

Please register HERE

*Max. # of 16 for each event

OIST NetCafé オンライン大学院説明会

2020年11月1日 (日) 14:00


OIST NetCafé オンライン大学院説明会

2020年10月5日 (月) 17:00

