Past Events

[PhD Thesis Presentation] - Mr. Han Yan "Fracton States of Matter:From Holography to Frustrated Magnetis"

2020年2月12日 (水) 14:00 15:00
B503, Lab 1, Level B

PhD thesis public presentation by Mr. Han Yan

Supervisor: Professor Nic Shannon

Co-Supervisor: Professor Hirotaka Sugawara

Audience: OIST students and researchers

Mini Course: Combinatorial Topology - 1 of 3

2020年2月12日 (水) 9:00 10:30
B715, Lab 3

Algebraic Topology is a classical branch of mathematics.  Its origins are combinatorial, based on triangulations of topological spaces.  In the later developments major algebraization of the subject has taken place, leading to the introduction of many algebraic invariants as we know them today.

​The Mini Course will be taught by Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov, PI of the Applied Topology Unit. His unit is interested both in developing the formal theory, as well as in applying it outside of the field, for example to Theoretical Distributed Computing.

More information and sign up here.

Seminar by Prof. Collart "The Not proteins regulate translation elongation dynamic"

2020年1月23日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Martine Collart

Affiliation: The University of Geneva

Audience: OIST researchers and students

Seminar by Prof. Séraphin "Starting from the ends: from eukaryotic mRNA decay mechanisms to diseases"

2020年1月22日 (水) 16:00 17:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Séraphin

Affiliation: University of Strasbourg

Audient: OIST students and reserchers


Seminar by Prof. Kamm "In vitro models of neurological disease"

2020年1月17日 (金) 16:00 17:00
C700, Lab3 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Roger D Kamm

Affiliation: Biological Enginering Department, MIT

Audience: OIST researchers and students

Seminar by Prof. Shuichi Takayama "Microfluidic Studies of Lung Injury, Infection, and Fibrosis"

2020年1月17日 (金) 14:30 15:30
C700, Lab3 Level C

Speaker: Professor Shuichi Takayama

Affiliation: Georgia Tech, USA

Audience: OIST researchers and students

Seminar by Prof. Sandini "From Humanoid Robots to Anthropomorphic Minds"

2020年1月17日 (金) 10:30 12:00
C209, Center Bld.

Speaker: Prof. Sandini

Affiliation: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and University of Genova

Audience: OIST researchers and students

[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐ Mr. Hsieh-Fu Tsai "Analysis of glioma cell guidance and interaction in microfluidic-controlled microenvironments enabled by machine learning"

2020年1月17日 (金) 9:00 10:00
C700, Lab3 Level C

PhD Thesis public presentation by Mr. Hsieh-Fu Tsai

Audience: OIST researchers and students

Seminar by Prof. Tepper "Neurophysiology and Synaptic Connections of Striatal Interneurons"

2020年1月16日 (木) 11:00 12:00
D015, Lab 1 Level D

Speaker: Prof. James Tepper

Affiliation: Rutgers, The State University of Newark

Language: English

Audience: OIST researchers and students
