HiSci Lab (ハイサイ・ラボ)2021
What is HiSci Lab?
The "Science Project for Ryukyu Girls Science Camp" that began in 2014 was re-named "HiSci Lab" in 2020.
In order to support the advancement of women into the STEM field, we encourage female high school students in Okinawa Prefecture to continue their education in STEM. "Hi-Sci" is coming from "Highschool" + "Science".
Female researchers from Okinawa Prefecture who are active both inside and outside the prefecture will have the opportunity to pass on knowledge and convey the joys of science. In addition to lectures, students will have the opportunity to learn through workshops with PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers at OIST.
Female high school students with a strong interest in STEM, currently studying in Okinawa
No application is open for 2021 as the participants has been already selected for 2020 workshop which was postponed due to the pandemic.
Email: science.outreach [at] oist.jp
(OIST External Engagement Section / Science Education Outreach Team)
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