DeepX Tech Talk in OIST - Machine automation using deep learning

15:00 – 15:30 : Reception (C209)
15:30 – 15:45 : Intro to DeepX
15:45 – 16:15 : Introduction to recent advancement in machine learning and reinforcement learning
16:15 – 17:30 : Does deep learning automate hydraulic equipment?
17:30 – 18:00 : Q&A
18:00 – 19:00 : Social at Grano
19:00 - : Dinner with deepX people in Izakaya (provided by deepX for participants)
Check this for dinner
- About Us
DeepX is an AI startup company originating from Matsuo Lab. of the University of Tokyo.
Our core mission is to 'automate any machinery' and our past successful projects back its feasibility. We believe that Deep Learning and its real-world implementations will bring a crucial breakthrough to solve current and future societal problems.
Our work focuses on the development of software tools to automate all kinds of machines, ranging from small industrial robots to large heavy equipment, and our control models can achieve flexible operation in various environments and conditions using cutting-edge technology such as Deep Reinforcement Learning.
We present our Hydraulic shovel autopilot project, which is one of our ongoing projects. We have automated digging using Deep Learning technology such as CNN and DRL, and we would like to share the knowledge we acquired in this project.
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