OIST Innovation Accelerator Bootcamp Pitch Day



Center Building, Seminar Room, C209


Be among the first to hear our top 12 teams present their groundbreaking ideas from agriculture to AI.

Finalists ファイナリスト

Alphabetical order アルファベット順

CancerFree Biotech Next-generation cancer treatment-liquid biopsy-derived organoids for drug sensitivity testing
CHRO+ Building tokenized health data ecosystem powered by the XHRO wearable device
Cynobright Developing sustainable next generation batteries
Growsmart Advanced microbiome-based biostimulants, biofertilizers, and biopesticides that improve soil health and boost crop yields, quality, and functionality
My Safe NIR Real-time, on-site food quality and safety monitoring system that integrates Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy with advanced machine learning algorithms
NetResilient Solutions Advanced dynamic network management system that focuses on enhancing service continuity and network resilience in the face of large-scale disasters
PixelX Next-generation GenAI-based dataset platform
Ripple Healthcare IoT-enabled smart wearable device, designed to prevent hip fractures by providing real-time protection and predictive analytics for fall risk
Smart Tissues Antibacterial bioink for advanced wound care
UMIDaS Next-generation aquaculture technology to digitize and optimize aquaculture practices
Tlaloc Blue Revolutionizing biowaste treatment and vertical farming
Trilliome Pioneering precision nutraceuticals derived from plant extracts, designed to harness the power of the microbiome to restore and optimize gut health

Program プログラム

Time Agenda  
13:00-13:30 Doors Open 開場  
13:30-13:45 Opening オープニング  
13:45-15:15 Startup Pitches スタートアップピッチ  
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break 休憩  
15:30-17:00 Startup Pitches スタートアップピッチ  
17:00-17:15 Closing クロージング  
17:30-19:00 Networking  

 Judges 審査委員

  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Bank of Okinawa
  • The Okinawa Development Finance Corporation
  • Lifetime Ventures
  • OIST Innovation, Executive Vice President Gil Granot-Mayer
  • OIST Global Bioconvergence Center of Innovation, Chief Operating Officer, COI-NEXT Program, Yasunobu Tanaka

Registration 登録

Please register from here. Registration will close once capacity is reached.

Contact 問い合わせ

OIST Innovation innovation@oist.jp

Event Sponsor イベントスポンサー

Global Bioconvergence Center of Innovation



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