Past Events
Theoretical Physics Seminar: Keerthy Menon
Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Keerthy Menon (Quantum Systems). Title: "Wave particle duality - the evergreen mystery".
11th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Acute Care Surgery
This is an externally organized event. For more information contact the organizers.
[Seminar] "Seeing is believing" by Dr. Aris Fiser
"Seeing is believing" by Dr. Aris Fiser, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedica Research (FMI)
[Seminar] "Quantum microwaves with a DC-biased Josephson junction" by Dr. Iouri Moukharski
"Quantum microwaves with a DC-biased Josephson junction" by Dr. Iouri Moukharski, CNRS/CEA Saclay
Project Management Training - 2019
Project Management - We will delve into traditional project management tools for aligning team members, managing schedules, creating and tracking budgets, and defining scope. In addition, we will explore the latest trends in Agile project management which can be better for projects with higher degrees of uncertainty and frequency of change.
Please register HERE :
* Max. # of 20 for each event
Workshop: "Discover your working style with the MBTI"
The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory ( MBTI ) is a career assessment tool that will allow you to discover your preferences in perceiving the world and making decisions. This session will require you to take the MBTI assessment tool in advance of the session, and our results will be presented and discussed by a licensed MBTI coach.
TO REGISTER CLICK HERE Post-workshop survey SUMMARYInternational Networking Training - 2019
International Networking - At the end of this program you will feel more comfortable with both face-to-face and virtual networking experiences. You will also learn how to turn everyday encounters with other professionals into opportunities for your career.
Please register HERE .
Max. # of 20 for each event
* Participants should bring their laptops and a copy of their resume.
Workshop: "Managing emotional intelligence in the workplace"
This workshop will give you an understanding of emotional intelligence concepts, and provide practical advices and tools to build your workplace 'people skills', having difficult conversations, giving and receiving feedback, making decisions, and managing conflict with colleagues, etc.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Post-lecture survey SUMMARYQG group meeting: Deformations and cocycles
This is the weekly Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speaker: Slava Lysov. Title: Deformations and cocycles.
Seminar by Dr Hsiang-Hua Jen 'Cooperative light emissions from many quantum emitters'
Speaker: Dr Hsiang-Hua Jen, Assistant Research Scholar, IOP, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Talk title: Cooperative light emissions from many quantum emitters
ORC Assembly
From 12:00-13:00
Advances in Cluster Beam Deposition
Dear OIST Workshop - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:
Christopher Petoukhoff, Ultrafast Spectroscopy: a Tool for Studying Electron Dynamics in Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures
Internal Seminar by Christopher Petoukhoff, Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit
Makoto Schreiber, Searching for Order within Disorder
Internal Seminar by Makoto Schreiber, Molecular Cryo-Microscopy (Wolf) Unit
Presidential Lecture - “New perspectives onto the Universe in the multi-messenger astronomy era” by Dr. Samaya Nissanke
Samaya Nissanke is an astrophysicist and the spokesperson of GRAPPA, the center of excellence in gravitation and astroparticle physics, at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Seminar "Epigenetic Variation Plays a Role in Plant Adaptation"
Prof. Ueli Grossniklaus, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology & Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Workshop: "Project management".
During this workshop participants will learn the foundation of a project management and how to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints.
TO REGISTER CLICK HERE Post-workshop survey SUMMARY[Seminar] "THz Spectroscopy: Studying Carrier Dynamics in Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion " by Prof. Charles Schmuttenmaer
Title : THz Spectroscopy: Studying Carrier Dynamics in Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion
Speaker: Charles Schmuttenmaer
Affiliation: Yale University, Department of Chemistry
mini ECO-doc
Miklós Gyalai-Korpos a 'Plastic Pirate' is coming to OIST to present a short documentary on reducing plastic pollution and give a seminar to OIST and members of the public.
Bring your friends (and your lunch) along and enjoy this rare oppertunity
Science Digest Chalk Talk: The Solar Orbiter Project
Prof. David Williams, European Space Agency (ESA)
Seminar "The Free Energy Principle: Challenges and Implications for Thinking about Life-Mind Continuity" by Dr. Michael D. Kirchhoff
Title: The Free Energy Principle: Challenges and Implications for Thinking about Life-Mind Continuity
Speaker: Dr. Michael D. Kirchhoff, University of Wollongong
Special Lecture - "Role of non bilayer lipids in enzymatic conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin in the xanthophyll cycle" by Prof.Kazimierz Strzalka
Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology and Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University
[Seminar] "One of the Biggest Mysteries in the Standard Model: Revealing Neutron Star Matter with Deep Learning" by Prof. Kenji Fukushima
"Quantum droplet formation and dynamics in a one-dimensional dipolar ferrofluid" Matthew Edmonds, Keio University
Speaker: Matthew Edmonds (Postdoc, Keio University, Japan) Language: English
Seminar "Artificial Relevance" by Dr. Julian Kiverstein
Title: Artificial Relevance
Speaker: Dr. Julian Kiverstein, Amsterdam University Medical Centre
Turkish Ispanakli Borek & Kiymali Pide ( spinach Borek & Minced Beef Pide) Foodie OISTers
Name Our New Cluster
OIST will get a new computing cluster this year. Cast your vote for the new cluster name! Go here to vote, or scan the QR code.
Seminar: "From Okinawa to the Milky Way Galaxy and Super-Massive Black Holes" by Prof. Mareki Honma
Prof. Mareki Honma, Director/Professor at Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). At a news conference in Tokyo on April 10, he represented the team of 22 Japanese scientists, who were among the 207 scientists in 17 nations and regions, to release the first image of the black hole.
Theoretical Physics Seminar: Andreas Thomasen
Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Andreas Thomasen (Quantum Matter). Title: "Intuitions about topology in condensed matter physics".
[Seminar] "Senescence: a cellular phenotype in physiology and pathology" by Prof. Ana O'Loghlen
Title : Senescence: a cellular phenotype in physiology and pathology
Speaker: Prof. Ana O'Loghlen
Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London
Faculty Perspectives: "A not very well-planned career in marine sciences".
Join Dr. James Davis Reimer, Associate Professor, University of the Ryukyus for an interactive interview style discussion at OIST.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME!Seminar by Dr. Anjan Soumyanarayanan, Magnetic Skyrmions: Spin Topology for Nanoscale Computing
Seminar by Dr. Anjan Soumyanarayanan from A*STAR and NUS, Singapore [Magnetic Skyrmions: Spin Topology for Nanoscale Computing]
Journal club seminar: Simplest black hole in 4d higher-spin gravity
Faculty Lunch Seminar: Yasha Neiman
Faculty Lunch Seminar. Speaker: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity). Title: "Let us breed a Schrodinger's Cat"
Seminar "Replication, error, and emergence of life", Prof. Shoichi Toyabe
Prof. Shoich Toyabe, Associate Professor, Tohoku University.
Seminar "An update on K41 vs K62" by Prof. Robert Antonia
[Speaker] Prof. Robert Antonia, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (Mechanical Engineering) , The University of Newcastle, Australia
QG group meeting: Recent developments in higher-spin gravity
This is the weekly Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: Recent developments in higher-spin gravity.
IAS Users Meeting and Seminar: NMR
For OIST members:
Users meeting and Seminar are registration free. We look forward to seeing you at the venue.
For Non-OIST members:
Please contact for Seminar sign up. (Users meeting is an internal event.)
7th International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference
7th International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference
Guangzong Xing, High Power Factor of Copper Based Coordination Polymers and its Analogs for Thermoelectrics
Internal Seminar by Guangzong Xing, Quantum Transport and Electron Structure Theory Unit
Mohieldin Youssef, An Insight into the Mechanisms of Stress and Behavior
Internal Seminar by Mohieldin Youssef, Cell Signal Unit
Seminar "Single molecule junctions under high bias: Limitations of the single-level model"
Prof. Elke Scheer, Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany
Seminar "Molecular electronics as a playground for nanoscale thermal transport"
Prof. Juan-Carlos Cuevas, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Seminar "The causes and consequences of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in growth, mutational impact, and drug resistance", Prof. Lucas Carey
Prof. Lucas Carey, Associate Professor, Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking Unviersiy
[Cancelled] [Seminar] "The Many Layers of Touch" by Randy M. Bruno, Ph.D
Title : The Many Layers of Touch
Speaker: Randy M. Bruno, Ph.D
Affiliation: Dept. of Neuroscience and the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University
[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐ Ms. Bianca Sieveritz <Ventral motor thalamic projection neurons to prelimbic cortex in cost-benefit decision-making>
PhD public presentation
Seminar "Genomic Medicine: From Human to Plant"
Professor Bin Tean Teh, Ph.D., M.D Deputy Director (Research), National Cancer Centre of Singapore Deputy Director (Scientific), SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Senior Principal Investigator, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore Senior Principal Investigator, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
Sharepoint Open Hours
Sharepoint Open Hours
Location: B646
Time: 14:00-15:00