Past Events
Sharepoint Open Hours
Sharepoint Open Hours
Time: 14:00-15:00
Location B646
Workshop: "Nature Research Academies: Grant Writing"
This half-day workshop aims to give attendees the necessary skills to successfully compete for grant funding . After the workshop, attendees will be able to identify relevant research questions, find the appropriate grants, and write impressive grant applications to help secure funding for their research.
TO REGISTER CLICK HERE .Mathematical Physics seminar: Chern-Simons theory 8
Joint Math and Theoretical physics seminar on Chern-Simons theory, Knot invariants and Volume conjecture. Vyacheslav Lysov will be leading the discussion.
沖縄科学技術大学院大学発展促進県民会議総会 (General Meeting of the Council for Promotion of OIST)
参加者は 沖縄科学技術大学院大学発展促進県民会議 会員に限ります。
Participants: the member of The Council for Promotion of OIST
Inter-unit Neuroscience Journal Club
Open to all staff and students.
Paper: Tanaka et al. 2018 "Thalamocortical Axonal Activity in Motor Cortex Exhibits Layer-Specific Dynamics during Motor Learning" Neuron 100: 244-258.
Presenter: Mohamed Tabbal
Sharepoint Open Hours
Sharepoint Open Hours
Time: 14:00-15:00
Location B646
[Workshop] Efficient Scientific Computing with Julia
This course uses Julia to teach the fundamentals of best practices for reproducible code, performance analysis, and contributing to open-source. It furthermore focuses on aspects of HPC computing necessary to analysis and study large problems — in particular GPU computing.
English for Interns - Presenting a Poster
English for Interns - Presenting a Poster.
Justin Foster-Sutherland
Language Education Section
Seminar: “Blue solutions to global challenges: experimental tests of environmental change on species interactions ” by Dr. Nessa E. O'Connor
Speaker: Dr. Nessa E. O'Connor, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland
Lecture about Instruments and Concert, Admission Free, Reservation Required
Satoshi Takebayashi, Isolation of Stable Metalloradicals. Development of Manganese Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis Reaction
In this talk, I will explain my research area, organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, using recent discovery from my lab as examples.
Shukla Sarkar, Role of JunB in CD8+ T cell Differentiation and Function
Internal Seminar Series
[Seminar] "Phylogeny and evolution of social behavior in Blattodea (cockroaches and termites)" by Prof. Frederic Legendre
Seminar by the external exmainer
[Seminar] "A dynamical Lambda proposal to alleviate the H0 tension" by Prof. Maurice van Putten
Speaker: Prof. Maurice van Putten, Sejong University
"Modeling of surface reactions mediated by bulk diffusion"
Prof. Fernando P. Duda, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Language: English, no interpretation.
[Seminar] "Multi-messenger Extended Emission from the compact remnant in GW170817" by Prof. Maurice van Putten
Speaker: Prof. Maurice van Putten,
"Quantum integrated technologies"Jason Twamley, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Speaker: Jason Twamley (Professor, Macquarie University, Australia) Language: English
Sound mechanism of Sanshin ~ Influence of Sao ~ by Dr. Kojiro Nishimiya
[Seminar] "Connecting biology and electronics with artificial protein switches" by Prof. Kirill Alexandrov
Speaker: Prof. Kirill Alexandrov, Queensland University of Technology
[Seminar] "HIF1a expression in Immune Cells regulates Autoimmune and Infection Diseases" by Prof. Bozec
Title : HIF1a expression in Immune Cells regulates Autoimmune and Infection Diseases
Speaker: Prof. Aline Bozec
Affiliation: Department of Internal Medicine 3, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
RIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019: Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics
This is a mini workshop on mathematical approach to condensed matter physics organized by OIST and RIKEN iTHEMS. The main purpose of this workshop is to promote interactions among researchers from condensed matter physics and high-energy physics and to afford a good opportunity for them to start new collaborations. Eveyone is welcome to join.
[Seminar] "Entanglement Branes, Modular Flow, and Extended TQFT" by Dr. Gabriel Wong
Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Wong, Fudan University
OIST Workshop "A World of Microbiota"
DeepX Tech Talk in OIST - Machine automation using deep learning
DeepX is an AI startup company originating from Matsuo Lab. of the University of Tokyo.
[Seminar] "Generation of de novo designed protein structure library" by Prof. Nobuyasu Koga
Dr. Nobuyasu Koga, Professor, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS)
Deep and High-Resolution 3D Molecular Tracking Microscopes and Silver Cluster-Based Biosensors
Speaker : Prof. Tim Yeh from Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, USA
CEC Meeting
July 2019 CEC Meeting Information
[Seminar] "The Frame Guided Assembly" by Prof. Dongsheng Liu
Speaker: Prof. Dongsheng Liu
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University
Seminar by Prof. Shum "Towards induced pluripotent cell-derived sensory neurons for fate commitment of bone marrow stromal cell-derived Schwann cells and beyond."
Speaker: Prof. DK Shum Affiliation: School of Biomedical Sciences, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Seminar "Organic chemistry for epigenetic studies"
Prof. Akimitsu Okamoto , Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
[Seminar] Andreas Thomasen - Topological Excitations in Magnets
Theoretical Physics Seminar: Juan David Vasquez Jaramillo
Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Juan David Vasquez Jaramillo (Quantum Transport and Electronic Structure Theory). Title: "Separation of Charge and Spin Nonequilibrium Green's Functions: Density and Magnetization in Spin Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SP-STM)".
[Seminar] "Diversity in Hot Vent Communities in the Context of Seabed Mining" by Prof. Tunnicliffe
Title : Diversity in Hot Vent Communities in the Context of Seabed Mining
Speaker: Prof. Verena Tunnicliffe
Affiliation: University of Victoria Canada
Molecular control of synapse identity and plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells
Seminar By Dr. Fekrije Selimi, CIRB, Collège de France, Paris
Directrice de Recherche 2è classe CNRS, team leader
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie,
Collège de France, CNRS UMR7241, INSERM U1050
Tel: +33 0144271654
[Seminar] "Kinetic and mechanistic understanding of oxidative addition and reductive elimination of Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes" by Prof. Jennifer Love
seminar organized by GS
OCNC2019: OIST Computational Neuroscience Course
OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: February 2, 2019 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:
Indian Chicken Biryani & Tandoori Chicken
Songs with Flute and Japanese Koto
Admission Free, Reservation Needed
Mathematical Physics seminar: Chern-Simons theory 7
Joint Math and Theoretical physics seminar on Chern-Simons theory, Knot invariants and Volume conjecture. Vyacheslav Lysov will be leading the discussion.
"Design proposals for hyper-redundant robotic arms and human-friendly robotic articulations"
Mr. Rafael Ferrin, Iwate University. Languag: English, no interpretation
Special Lecture - "Exploring Terra Incognita with the World’s Largest Penning Trap" by Dr. Lee Roberts
Speaker: Dr. Bradely Lee Roberts, Professor in Physics, Boston University, USA
ORC Assembly
Guest Speaker: Mary Collins, Provost.
The Elevator Pitch: How to quickly introduce yourself and your research in English
Time: Wednesday, June 19 th 15:00-16:00
Venue: c600B (English classroom)
This seminar is primarily aimed at students and post docs who are not native speakers of English, but all are welcome to attend.
[Seminar] "Intention sharing based on shared goals and word learning: Social-Pragmatic Perspective to language development"
"Intention sharing based on shared goals and word learning: Social-Pragmatic Perspective to language development" by Prof. Harumi Kobayashi, Tokyo Denki University
Recent Progress and Highlights from Taiwan’s cold neutron triple axis spectrometer SIKA at ANSTO
Dr. Shin-ichiro Yano
National Syncrotron Radiation Research Centre, Hsinchu, Taiwan
E-mail of the presenter:
Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Robots that Develop, Robots that Evolve"
Fabien Benureau, Postdoctoral Scholar (Tani Unit)
Special Lecture - "Science without Borders" by Prof. Vincent Rivasseau
Speaker: Prof. Vincent Rivasseau
2nd Admissions Workshop 2019
Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the OIST PhD program in 2019
QG group meetng - dS S-matrix status report
QG Group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: "dS S-matrix status report"