- [Mar.17th@L4F01] " Collisions of multiple random walks" | Associate Professor David Croydon (RIMS, Kyoto University)
- [Feb.14th@L4F01] " Handles and surgery" | Prof.Andrew Lobb (Durham University, UK)
- [Dec.3rd@L4F01] " Classical Orbits in Quantum Mechanics: A New Look at The Path Integral" | Mustafa Türe (North Carolina State University)
- [Nov.21th@L5EF11] " Algebraic Topology and combinatorics" | Prof. Dr. Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov (University Bremen / Adjunct Professor at OIST)
- [Nov.11th@L5D23] " An Atlas of p-adic AdS/CFT" | Dr. Christian Baadsgaard Jepsen (KIAS)
- [Sep.19th@L4F01] " A beginner's introduction to basic Algebraic Topology Part 4" | Prof. Andrew Lobb (Durham University)
- [Sep.12th@L4F01] " A beginner's introduction to basic Algebraic Topology Part 3" by Professor Andrew Lobb (Durham University)
- [Sep.5th@L4F01] " A beginner's introduction to basic Algebraic Topology Part 2" by Professor Andrew Lobb (Durham University)
- [Aug.29th@L4F01] " A beginner's introduction to basic Algebraic Topology Part 1" by Professor Andrew Lobb (Durham University)
- [Aug.15th@L4F01] "Wick rotation in the lapse: admissible complex metrics and the Wick rotated heat kernel" by Rudrajit Banerjee (OIST)
- [Aug.8th@L4F01] "Tensor eigenvalues from a field theory perspective" by Nicolas Delporte (OIST)
- [Aug.2nd@L4F01] "A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks" by Faedi Loulidi (OIST)
- [Jul.16th@L4F01] "The quantum path signature" by Dr. Samuel Crew (Imperial College London, UK)
- [Feb.19th@zoom] "The Discrete Dirac operator and the mass of simple and higher-order networks" by Professor Ginestra Bianconi (Queen Mary University London)
- [Nov.21st@L4F01] "Invitation to topological recursion and their applications" by Dr. Kento Osuga (U. Sheffield)【Recording】
- [Nov.25th@L4F01] "Refined BPS invariants via topological recursion" by Dr. Kento Osuga (U. Sheffield)【Recording 】
- [Jan.28th@L4F01] "Matrix models and topological recursion" by Dr. Kento Osuga (U. Sheffield);
- [Jan.21st@L4F01] "An invitation to topological string theory" by Dr. Kento Osuga (U. Sheffield).
- [Nov.30th@L4F01] "Tensor field theories: renormalization and random geometry" by Dr. Nicolas Delporte (OIST);
- [Jul.30th@L4E48] "The Square Peg Problem" by Prof. Andrew Lobb (Durham U. and OIST);
- [Mar.3rd@L3C300] "The current status of the Gribov problem in gauge theories" by Prof. Rodrigo Sobreiro (U. Federal Fluminense);
- [Feb.25th@L1D014] "Boundary conditions and the q-state Potts model on random planar maps" by Mr. Aravinth Kulanthaivelu (U. of Oxford);
- [Jan.20th@L3A712] "Melonic CFTs" by Prof. Dario Benedetti (Ecol. Polytech.).
- [Dec.4th@L3B711] "Knots, the Jones polynomial, and Khovanov homology" by Prof. Andrew Lobb (Durham U.);
- [Nov.13th@L3B712] "Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes" by Mr. David O'Connell (OIST);
- [Nov.6th@L3B712] "The gravitational Wilson loop and the non-Abelian Stokes' theorem" by Prof. Reiko Toriumi (OIST);
- [Oct.18th@B250] "New perspectives onto the Universe in the multi-messenger astronomy era" by Dr. Samaya Nissanke (U. of Amsterdam);
- [Jul.23rd@B250] "Science without borders, a key to humankind survival?" by Prof. Vincent Rivasseau (U. Paris-Sud);
- [Apr.8th@L3A719] "A new large N expansion for tensor and matrix-tensor models" by Mr. Guillaume Vallete (U. Libre de Bruxelles);
- [Mar.29th@L3B712] "Melonic turbulence" by Mr. Guillaume Vallete (U. Libre de Bruxelles);
- [Mar.25th-Apr.10th@L3B717] Mini-course: "Quantum models for black holes: Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev and generalizations" by Prof. Frank Ferrari (U. Libre de Bruxelles);
- [Mar.11th@L3A719] "Progresses on the lesson we learn about (quantum) gravity from quantum matter" by Mr. Riccardo Martini (U. of Jena);
- [Mar.8th@L1D015] "Functional Renormalization Group analysis of tensorial group field theories" by Mr. Riccardo Martini (U. of Jena);
- [Mar.4th@L1C016] "A possible topological phase of gravity" by Mr. Guilherme Sadovski (U. Federal Fluminese)
- [Feb.15th@L3A719] "The geometric structure underlying the standard model of particle physics" by Dr. Shane Farnsworth (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics);
- [Feb.15th@L3A719] "Super Airy structures" by Mr. Kento Osuga (U. of Alberta);
- [Feb.14th@L3A720] "Qubit transport model for unitary black hole evaporation without firewalls" by Mr. Kento Osuga (U. of Alberta).