[Zoom Seminar] Tensor Field Theories: Renormalization and Random Geometry (Dr. Nicolas Delporte, Toriumi Unit)
Title: Tensor Field Theories: Renormalization and Random Geometry
Abstract: In the talk, I will share an overview of my research during my PhD thesis. After a practically-minded introduction to renormalization and conformal field theories (CFT), we will see the essential tools developed for tensor models and their large-$N$ expansion. In the second part, I will focus on results of $d>1$ tensor field theories: melonic CFTs, breaking of symmetries. In the last part, we will revive an old approach to study and renormalize an interacting scalar quantum field theory on Galton-Watson random trees, through random walks, which may prove useful for tensor models to escape the melonic large-$N$ limit.
Meeting ID: 940 8132 8725
Passcode: 609087
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