Seminar: "Super Airy Structures" by Mr. Kento Osuga



A 719, Lab 3


Speaker: Mr. Osuga is currently at his last year as a Ph.D. student at the University of Alberta.

Abstract. Topological recursion is a mathematical formalism that recursive computes a variety of enumerative invariants such as Gromov-Witten invariants. Topological recursion is now viewed as a special example of a more general framework, so called Airy structure. Since a Lie algebra plays a crucial role in Airy structures, an interesting question is: can we incorporate supersymmetry into Airy structures by upgrading a Lie algebra to a super Lie algebra? In this talk, I will first give a brief review of topological recursion as well as matrix models, and then introduce Airy structures as a unified recursive formalism. At last, I will propose super Airy structures and discuss expected applications to enumerative geometry in the supersymmetric realm. This is a joint work in progress with V. Bouchard, P, Ciosmak, L. Hadasz, B. Ruba, and P. Sulkowski.

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