Past Events
Colloqium "The Quantum Universe" Hitoshi Murayama
There will be refreshments at 16:00 in the lobby of B250.
Special Seminar "Numbers in Nature Art and Architecture", Itamar Procaccia
2013-10-25Center Bldg C209
Professor, Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science
"Behind the scenes at The EMBO Journal: the editorial process", Andrea Leibfried
2013-10-25Center Bldg C209
Andrea Leibfried, PhD, Editor, The EMBO Journal
Karate Demonstration by Uechi-ryu Karatedo Kenkyukai
2013-10-23Center Court
Kiyohide Shinjo, the grandmaster of the Uechi-ryu Karatedo Kenyukai, will present the origin and purpose of Okinawan karate.
"Cell Phones Stop Deforestation" Christopher White
Christopher C. White, Founder & CEO of Rainforest Connection