OIST Visit Program Application for High Schools
What You Need to Know Before You Visit Our Campus
Operating Hours
A round of tour is about 120 minutes.
Please make sure that you have enough time for a tour to be completed.
Maximum Number of Visitors
We accept up to 80 people per visit. If your school visits with more than that, please make sure that they visit in installments. (You may want to visit twice in a day, for example, in the morning and on the afternoon, or two days in a row.)
We have set the above limitation for our guides to provide safe tours for your students.
Venue for Lunch
No space for lunch to be provided.
Application Deadline
Application must be made two months prior to a visiting date. An early indication of your visit will be appreciated.
Parking Space for Bus
Our parking space is currently limited. If you visit us by bus, please contact our Safety Control Center by calling the following number, as soon as your application has been confirmed.
OIST Safety Control Center: 098-966-8861
(Please inform the SCC personnel of the bus company’s name and the number of vehicles.)
- Please read the “What you need to know before you visit our campus” carefully before you send your application.
- Our daily educational and research activities will be operating normally, so please instruct your students to be quiet and respectful while being on the tour