Hybrid Quantum Device Team

From left: Kei Goto, Morihiro Ohta, Yuimaru Kubo, Tatsuki Hamamoto, Mathieu Couillard, Rupak Bhattacharya
March 2023 with a new dilution refrigerator. 
Top (from left): Mathieu Couillard, Yuimaru Kubo, Yun-Tao Ma, Ching-Ping Lee, Amit Bhunia, Katsuhito Kikuyama,
Bottom (from left):  Kei Goto, Tatsuki Hamamoto, Morihiro Ohta

About the Team

The Hybrid Quantum Device Team is a research group in experimental quantum information science and technology.  We mainly explore impurity spins in gem crystals and their applications in quantum information technologies.  Check out our Research Page to find out more! 

The team is in the Science and Technology Group at OIST, located on the sub-tropical Okinawa island.  


  • Yuimaru Kubo, PI
  • Ching-Ping Lee, Postdoc
  • Amit Bhunia, Postdoc
  • Ivan Kostylev, Postdoc
  • Morihiro Ohta, Ph.D. student
  • Tatsuki Hamamoto, Ph.D. student
  • Mathieu Couillard, Ph.D. student

Close Collaborators

Former Members

  • Kei Goto, Research Unit Administrator( - April 2024)
  • Rupak Bhattacharya, Postdoc (September 2021 - August 2022)
  • Shota Norimoto, Postdoc (April 2019 - February 2022), National Physics Laboratory (UK)
  • Jason Ball, Ph.D. student (September 2016 - August 2021), Bleximo (USA)
  • Peter Moroshkin, Staff Researcher (April 2018 - March 2020), Brown University (USA)
  • Akira Kawano, Internship Student (Spring 2019), 
  • Jonathan Everts, Internship Student (Summer 2018)
  • Alexandre Goumelon, Internship Student (Summer 2017)
  • Yu Yamashiro, Internship Student (late 2016 - early 2017)
  • Airat Galiulin, Internship Student (Summer 2016)

Recent News

2023/08 Çağlar completed his stay.  Thanks a lot for the inputs!
2023/08 Morihiro and Yui participated in a workshop in Hong Kong
2023/06 Yuntao finished the internship.  Thank you for your contribution!
2023/03 Çağlar Girit arrived and will stay as a JSPS invited fellow until August.  Welcome!
2023/02 Yuntao Ma started working as an intern.  Welcome!
2022/12 Yui gave an invited talk at NFM2022, NIMS in Tsukuba. 
2022/12 Deepthi finished the internship.  Thank you for your contribution!
2022/11 Amit Bhunia joined the group!  Welcome!
2022/10 Ching-Ping Lee joined the group! Welcome!
Yui gave an invited online seminar in the Department of Physics of the City University of Hong Kong. 
2022/08 Rupak decided to leave back for his home country. Thanks a lot for the great contribution and best of luck for the next!
2022/06 Deepthi Gowappan started working as an intern.  Welcome!
2022/02 Our first dilution fridge arrived!
Yui gave an invited online seminar at the Centre for Quantum Technology, University of Glasgow. 
2021/12 Yui and Shota gave presentations at MRM2021 in Yokohama. 
2021/09 Tatsuki and Morihiro completed their Rotations and re-started their project.  Welcome back!  Rupak finally arrived in Okinawa and joined! 
2021/08 Jason Ball defended his thesis in July and was awarded a Ph.D. degree.  Congrats!!!
2020/12 Team leader Yuimaru and OIST professor Hiroki Takahashi are awarded grants to pursue Goal 6 of the Japanese Moonshot Research and Development Program.  Congrats!!! 
2020/09/01 We welcome former intern Morihiro and new Ph.D. student Tatsuki to our group as rotation students! めんそ〜れ!
2020/03-2020/04 Due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak, presentations by Shota and Jason at the JPS and APS annual meetings have been canceled.  Links to the slides are coming soon. 
2020/03/04 We at the HQD team bid a fond farewell to Peter Moroshkin, who heads for a research position at Brown University (Providence, USA).  お別れ!
2020/02/14 Congratulations to Morihiro for defending his master's thesis at the University of the Ryukyus!  おめでとう!
2019/12/02 The HQD team attends and presents a talk and poster at the International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems 2019 (HQS2019) in Matsue, Japan.
2019/9/12 The HQD team attends and presents two talks, and a poster at the Impurity Spins for Quantum Information and Technologies in Israel. 
2019/05/13 The HQD team attends and presents posters at the 20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits (SQ20th) in Tsukuba, Japan. 
2019/04/15 The HQD team welcomes Akira Kawano of the OIST 2019 matriculation class.  Akira will be serving as an intern for a couple of months before returning in the fall as a full-time Ph.D. student. めんそ〜れ!
2019/04/03 The new and improved website is open for business! 
2019/04/01 A warm welcome (and congratulations) to Shota Norimoto, who is joining us after finishing what was certainly an arduous Ph.D. journey at Osaka University. めんそ〜れ!
2019/03/15 Jason and Yui give presentations at the 74th Annual JPS meeting.