Seminar "Towards quantum transduction with an improved electro-opto-mechanical converter" by Peter Burns



C210, Center building


Title: "Towards quantum transduction with an improved electro-opto-mechanical converter"

Speaker: Peter Burns, University of Colorald, Boulder


A quantum link between microwave and optical frequencies is a crucial element of future quantum networks. We have developed an efficient electro-optic converter by coupling a single vibrational mode of a SiN membrane to both a superconducting microwave resonator and a high-finesse optical cavity. This converter operates at T < 100 mK temperatures with 47% conversion efficiency and added noise of 38 photons. The main contributions to this added noise are thermally driven mechanical motion, undesired interactions between the laser and the superconducting circuit, and microwave circuit parameter noise. In order to address these sources of noise, we have  redesigned the optical cavity, introduced phononic shielding, and fabricated the superconducting circuit from NbTiN instead of Nb. With these design innovations we hope to reduce the added noise below the one photon threshold for quantum operations.

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