RIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019: Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics
Friday, July 5, 2019 - 09:00 to Saturday, July 6, 2019 - 12:50
B250, Center Building, OIST Campus
This is a mini workshop on mathematical approach to condensed matter physics organized by OIST and RIKEN iTHEMS. The main purpose of this workshop is to promote interactions among researchers from condensed matter physics and high-energy physics and to afford a good opportunity for them to start new collaborations.
The present workshop is supported by OIST and RIKEN iTHEMS (espesially STAMP working group).
Workshop Website: ithems-stamp-wg.riken.jp/workshop/oist-workshop-2019/home/index.html
- Topics: Boson-Fermion duality, Operator product expansion, Random matrix
- Organizers:
- Masahiro Nozaki (RIKEN) Chair person
- Masaru Hongo (Keio Univ./RIKEN)
- Kanato Goto (RIKEN)
- Hidehiko Shimada (OIST)
- Lecturers
- Takuya Furusawa (TIT/RIKEN)
- Yuta Sekino (RIKEN)
- Shinobu Hikami (OIST)
- Participants:
- Keisuke Fujii (TIT)
- Kanato Goto (RIKEN)
- Masaru Hongo (Keio Univ./RIKEN)
- Arkaprava Mukherjee (OIST)
- Masahiro Nozaki (RIKEN)
- Hidehiko Shimada (OIST)
- Ken Shiozaki (RIKEN)
- Masato Taki (RIKEN/Rikkyo Univ.)
- Shoichiro Tsutsui (RIKEN)
- Wenliang Li (OIST)
All-OIST Category:
Intra-Group Category
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