Past Events
10 -Year Anniversary OISTers' Celebration
10-Year Anniversary OISTers' Celebration
Saturday, May 28th
Performances start 14:00–16:00 in the auditorium
Outdoor activities: food trucks, screen printing and music start at 10:30am (near the pond)
Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge
Biweekly meeting of the OIST ukulele club
OIST Innovators Society - Workshop 5 ‘Early-stage Recruiting and Compensation – Role Play’
In Workshop #4 we discussed recruiting and compensation for early-stage companies. In Workshop #5, we will use role-play to practice both recruiting as a founder and joining an early-stage startup as an employee or advisor. We will practice as teams in a casual setting, so you can attend this workshop even if you have not attended Workshop #4.
World Ocean Day: Photo Contest
Show your support for World Ocean Day from the comfort of your camera! Take part in ECO club's photography contest by taking a picture that demonstrates your relationship with the ocean and tagging us on social media. The winning photographs will be showcased at OIST and online as well as receiving a very ECO prize.
Quantum Gravity group meeting: Mirian Tsulaia
Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speaker: Mirian Tsulaia. Title: "N=1 and N=4 Super Yang-Mills. A brief review"
[Seminar] Mr. Benedikt Schneider "Projective symmetry group classification of chiral Z_2 spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: Application to the XXZ model"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field. Language: English
[Seminar] Prof. Prasad Perlekar "Turbulence in buoyancy-driven bubbly flows"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English
Analysis on Metric Spaces
Originally scheduled for May 2021, this workshop has been rescheduled to May 2022 due to the situation with COVID-19. The new dates are May 23 - 27, 2022.
OIST Workshop | Main organizer: Xiaodan Zhou (Analysis on Metric Spaces Unit) | Website | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions
The 34th Board of Governors Meeting
Please address inquiries to the President's Office.
Cosmos screening (episode 4)
Cosmos episode 4: Heaven and Hell
Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar #9: Gall-forming aphids, small insects with great power: female-biased sex allocation via female competition induces novel insect gall organogenesis in plants
The seminar aims to initiate interactions between international and Japanese researchers and students in the field of Ecology and Evolution. The 9th event is presented by Dr. Xin Tong, SPDR Fellow of Cell Function Research Team at RIKEN CSRS. Title: Gall-forming aphids, small insects with great power: female-biased sex allocation via female competition induces novel insect gall organogenesis in plants
Timeline 15:00~15:30: seminar 15:30~16:00: questions and discussion 16:00~: mixer Please apply from here:
Graduation Ceremony 2022
The Graduation Ceremony to award degrees to students who have graduated in the period May 2021 to March 2022.
The 28th Board of Councilors Meeting
Please address inquiries to the President's Office.
OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season6: The struggle for coexistence: empirical approaches to understand mechanisms of persistence under competition
OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season6: The struggle for coexistence: empirical approaches to understand mechanisms of persistence under competition
[Seminar] Phononic Frequency Combs
Title: Phononic Frequency Combs
Speaker: Dr. Adarsh Ganesan from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
[Seminar] Mr. Atsushi Ueda "Tensor network renormalization study on the crossover in classical Heisenberg and RP2 models in two dimensions"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English
English for Academic Email Correspondence - Formality
What is the appropriate level of formality when writing email to people of different cultures?
In this seminar we will look at some key differences between formal and informal English in emails. We will learn about the signs to look for in formal English emails and discuss cultural considerations.
Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!
Back from Golden Week and ready to uke out!
[Seminar] Professor Gabrielle Girardeau: Neural mechanisms for memory and emotional processing during sleep
[Neuroscience Club] Prof. Gabrielle Girardeau, Principal Investigator, CRCN Inserm / Sorbonne University
[Catch-All Mathematical Colloquium] The level-set mean curvature flow equation versus the total variation flow equation,Yoshikazu Giga (University of Tokyo )
Title: The level-set mean curvature flow equation versus the total variation flow equation
Abstract: The level-set mean curvature flow equation has been introduced to track an evolving hypersurface by its mean curvature after it develops singularities. A level-set of a solution of the level-set mean curvature flow equation moves its mean curvature. The total variation flow equation is often used to remove noise from images. Although these two equations look similar, analytic properties are quite different; the former equation is a local equation while the latter is a nonlocal equation. In this talk, we compare these two equations as well as a few applications.
Discussion Theme (for the 2nd part of the event) :
How to collaborate with researchers other than mathematicians
The colloquium will be held once a month online. Each event consists of a one-hour talk on mathematics followed by a one-hour diversity panel discussion session. Please register before May , 5 pm. Click here to register!
OIST Innovators Society - Workshop 4
Workshop 4: ‘Early-stage Recruiting and Compensation - Both Sides’
Are you being approached by startups to provide technical consultation? OR Are you planning to launch startups in the future? If you are, you might be wondering how new people are recruited to join startups.
GMP2022: International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing
The online conference is going to be held on May 11, 2022.
"Probing quantum gravity and non-locality through R^2-like inflation", Sravan Kumar
QG visitor seminar. Speaker: Sravan Kumar, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Title: "Probing quantum gravity and non-locality through R^2-like inflation".
[Online] Promoting the Development and Transfer of Technology to Improve the Lives of Older Adults
Panelists: Ms. Lauren Ha from OIST’s TDIC; Dr. Michael Roizen, an expert on healthy longevity and wellness from the Cleveland Clinic; and recent winners of the Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation (HAPI), including Ms. Li Lian Ng, whose company Tetsuyu Healthcare has developed a new wound assessment and treatment system, and Dr. Siti Anom Bt. Ahmad, whose team at Universiti Putra Malaysia developed an autonomous delivery robot to meet the need for contactless delivery that emerged out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Register here
[Seminar] Variational problems with gradient constraint, Professor Xiao Zhong, University of Helsinki
[Seminar] Ms. Giorgia Dellaferrera "Unveiling Principles of Neural Computations: from Artificial to Biological Intelligence, and back"
Assertive Communication アサーティブコミュニケーション(Incl. follow-up)
(This training is offered in Japanese Only) 相手を尊重しながら自分の気持ちや考えを率直・誠実に表現するコミュニケーション法を学びます。ペアワークやグループディスカッションを多用した参加型の研修です。
[Seminar] Prof. Natalia Perkins "Disorder in the Kitaev spin liquid"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field. Language: English
Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!
It's ukulele time again! This time if the weather is nice enough we're actually going to meat on the beach behind Seaside House instead of in the lounge. If it's too windy or wet, we'll be back inside as always.
A Recipe for Scientific Synergy Series 2 by Dr. Ichiro Masai and Dr. Noriyuki Tsumaki
OIST - Osaka University: A Recipe for Scientific Synergy-Series 2 by Dr. Noriyuki Tsumaki and Dr. Ichiro Masai
Quantum Gravity group meeting: Jonas Sonnenschein and Mirian Tsulaia (part 2)
Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speakers: Jonas Sonnenschein and Mirian Tsulaia. Title: "N=2 SUSY Quantum Mechanics and spectra of Non-SUSY Hamiltonians (part 2)"
Lunch Time Learning Session On Sea Turtles
OIST Beach Club and ChuraMura Lunch Time Learning Session
Guest Speaker: Carl Bastain
“Oceans – and the impact of humans and climate change” - OIST-Tohoku U. 2nd Joint Workshop on Marine Science
OIST-Tohoku U. 2 nd Joint Workshop on Marine Science “ Oceans – and the impact of humans and climate change ”
[Seminar] Sub-Gaussian heat kernel bounds and singularity of energy measures for symmetric diffusions,Professor Naotaka Kajino (Kyoto University)
This talk will present the result of a joint work with Mathav Murugan(University of British Columbia) that, for a symmetric diffusion on a complete locally compact separable metric space, two-sided sub-Gaussian heat kernel bounds imply the singularity of the energy measures with respect to the reference measure.
For self-similar (scale-invariant) diffusions on self-similar fractals, the singularity of the energy measures is known to hold in many cases by Kusuoka (1989, 1993), Ben-Bassat, Strichartz and Teplyaev (1999), Hino (2005), and Hino and Nakahara (2006), but these results heavily relied on the self-similarity of the space.
It was conjectured, and had remained open for the last two decades to prove, that the singularity of the energy measures should follow, without assuming the self-similarity, just from two-sided sub-Gaussian heat kernel bounds of the same form as those for diffusions on typical self-similar fractals. The main result of this talk answers this conjecture affirmatively.
The first half of the talk will be devoted to a brief introduction to self-similar diffusions (and their associated Dirichlet forms) on self-similar fractals and to sub-Gaussian heat kernel bounds for symmetric diffusions, so that the talk will (hopefully) be accessible even to those without prior knowledge about diffusions on fractals.
[Seminar] Professor Hidehiko Inagaki: A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate planned movement
[Neuroscience Club] Prof. Hidehiko Inagaki, Research Group Leader, Neural Dynamics & Cognitive Functions Group
We are excited to have an online seminar by Prof. Inagaki from Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience.
You can join the seminar via ZOOM (meeting ID: 782 721 4941, Password: 436475).
OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season6: High Fidelity Genome Sequencing: What have we been missing?
OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season6: High Fidelity Genome Sequencing: What have we been missing ?
OIST Representation Theory Seminar
[Seminar] Mr. Hong Yang "Duality, Criticality, Anomaly, and Topology in Quantum Spin-1 Chains"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field. Language: English
Quantum Gravity group meeting: Julian Lang
Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speakes: Julian Lang (Neiman Unit) Title: "Self-Dual Gravity"
Faculty Lunchtime Seminar (Prof. Svante Pääbo)
Title: What makes human special? A molecular approach
Please welcome Prof. Pääbo, our Adjunct Professor, and join his very first faculty talk at OIST!
Yasha, Akiko, and the CPR team
4th QCS Webinar: "Public-cryptography is bad for security" with Dr. Daniel Shiu, Arqit
Dr. Daniel Shiu, Chief Cryptographer of Arqit, a leading company with transformational quantum encryption technology, will speak on "Public-cryptography is bad for security".
Registration link: TUESDAY, 19 APRIL 2022, 5:00PM (JST) | OIST Groups
[Seminar] Prof. Hiroshi Kontani "Exotic QLC states in Fe-based superconductors, kagome metals, and twisted bilayer graphene"
Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English
TSVP Talk: "Diagrammatic Algebra" by Dr. Chris Bowman
Dr. Chris Bowman, Reader, University of York. Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: students and researchers from related fields. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.
English for Academic Email Correspondence - Structuring Content
Ricardo Semler, CEO at Semco SA says: "The longer the message, the greater the chance of misinterpretation. "
Putting yourself in your recipient’s shoes is key to getting your email read.
Japan Eco-Evo English Seminar #8: Individual-based temporal beta-diversity: Individual turnover and compositional shift in a community
The seminar aims to initiate interactions between international and Japanese researchers and students in the field of Ecology and Evolution. The 8th event is presented by Ryosuke Nakadai from National Institute for Environmental Studies.
Please register from the next link:
Title: Individual-based temporal beta-diversity: Individual turnover and compositional shift in a community
Timeline 15:00~15:30: seminar 15:30~16:00: questions and discussion 16:00~: mixer
Abstract: As increasing the necessity to assess the influences of global climate change and anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity, the concept of beta-diversity has been extended to a temporal context and has been intensively studied in recent years. In studies of temporal beta-diversity, methodologies used in spatial beta-diversity have often been used simply. However, temporal beta-diversity often includes "the same individual" between two communities implicitly, which has not been the case with spatial communities, so it is necessary to consider the effects of individual turnover and persistence for quantifying temporal beta-diversity. I focused on both individual identity and the persistence of individuals within a temporal beta-diversity framework and developed some novel indices. In my presentation, I will explain the novel indices which I recently developed and the concepts behind them, showing examples of analysis. I would also like to discuss the prospects for community assemblages through both time and individual identity.
Orators Meeting for Communication & Public Speaking
Come and join us for an exciting and fulfilling meeting on building better communication skills through impromptu speaking exercises, listening to prepared speeches, and providing constructive feedback. We run our meetings at lunchtime every other Friday. Email if you have any questions or would like to receive further information
Grand Opening of Lab4, Level D Lounge
Join us for the Grand Opening of the cafe and lounge space in Lab4, Level D. President Peter Gruss and VP for BFM Scott Rudisel will speak at the event.
Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge
Ukulele club meets again this Thursday, April 14 at 8:00 PM in the Seaside Lounge, typhoons permitting!
OIST Innovators Society - Fireside chat with Lifetime Ventures
The OIST Innovators Society is hosting a casual fireside chat with Koshu Kunii, Ryosuke Kimura and Kentaroh (Kenny) Awata, from Lifetime Ventures. Lifetime Ventures is a pre-seed venture capital firm based in Tokyo, that invests in talent to create businesses that will be loved and exist for a long time. Lifetime typically invests ~$50-500k in startups at the pre-seed or seed stage and provides hands-on support to its portfolio startups. This is an exciting opportunity to ask venture capitalists anything!
Quantum Gravity group meeting: Jonas Sonnenschein and Mirian Tsulaia (part 1)
Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speakers: Jonas Sonnenschein and Mirian Tsulaia. Title: "N=2 SUSY Quantum Mechanics and spectra of Non-SUSY Hamiltonians (part 1)"