[Seminar] Professor Lisa Giocomo: Multiple maps for navigation



ZOOM Event


We are excited to have an online seminar by Prof. Lisa Giocomo from Stanford University. She has done a series of important works on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying spatial navigation and memory. Everyone is welcome to join the seminar!

Multiple maps for navigation


Over the last several decades, the tractable response properties of parahippocampal neurons have provided a new access key to understanding the cognitive process of self-localization: the ability to know where you are currently located in space. Defined by functionally discrete response properties, neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex and hippocampus are proposed to provide the basis for an internal neural map of space, which enables animals to perform path-integration based spatial navigation and supports the formation of spatial memories.  My lab focuses on understanding the mechanisms that generate this neural map of space and how this map is used to support behavior.  In this talk, I’ll discuss how learning and experience shape our internal neural maps of space to guide behavior.

You can join the seminar via ZOOM (meeting ID: 782 721 4941, Password: 436475).

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