Science Communication Seminar


Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:30 to 11:30


C700, Level C, Lab 3


Ever wondered how OIST’s scientific achievements are featured in Economist, BBC, or Japan’s business-oriented Nikkei?

The OIST Media Section is organizing a 60-minute seminar this coming Friday, July 15 to talk about our service to the OIST scientific community.

We will explain how we work with OIST scientists and students to turn research outcome into interesting reading and how we share our stories with the rest of the world.

The seminar will be joined by Prof. Nic Shannon, Prof. Gail Tripp, and Dr. Shin Yanagihara, who have recently worked with the media section, to talk about their respective experience.

Let us help your science travel far into the media, be seen and spark discussions.

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