[OIST 10th] OIST Images of Science Traveling Exhibition

Tour Schedule
Additional dates and venues will be added as they are finalized:
- February 14-March 11 at Junkudo Book Store, Naha
- March 22-April 8 at the Japan Cabinet Office, Tokyo
- April 18-28 at Onna Village Office
- May 9-18 at Okinawa Prefectural Government Office, Naha
- May 23-27 at the International House of Japan, Tokyo
- July 21-August 7 at Orion Happy Park
- August 8-28 at Cape Manzamo Visitor Center
- August 29-September 4 at Ryukyu Shimpo
- September 22-29 at Okinawa Times
OIST Images of Science Exhibition
This exhibition of images generated by OIST researchers in the past 10 years offers the visitor a glimpse into the innovative, diverse, and unique research done at OIST. The collection includes scientific imaging photographs, images of research instruments, computer data visualizations, and photographs of the fascinating subjects studied at OIST.
As technology progresses and allow us to register more accurately scientific labor and its achievements, the role of images in science becomes more important. For the community of science, they are testimonies of work done by fellow researchers. For wider audiences, images of scientific research can display surprising and unexpected aesthetic features, make visible ideas usually too abstract and complex to understand, and ultimately illustrate knowledge in such an inspiring way that it can lead us to new universes within science.
Please join us in this fantastic journey through OIST science in images or visit OIST Flickr for photos of the gallery and images from the exhibit.
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