International Science Communication Workshop 2015

"Increasing the Visibility of Japanese Science in the International Media" March 19-20, 2015
Organizers: Okinawa Institute of Science Technology Graduate University & Japan Association of Communication for Science and Technology (JACST)
Cooperation: Research University Network of Japan (RUN)
This workshop invites science journalists as well as science writing educators from overseas to present how science news is generated and how science writing training is taught in the West. The workshop also aims to provide a venue for information sharing among participants so that good practices, from the viewpoint of budget to personnel to institutional structure, are studied in order to help globalize Japanese universities and institutions through effective communication. Lastly, the workshop also discusses the domestic situation with regard to information dissemination and outreach.
Program and Registration
Please visit the workshop's website for the latest program and for information on how to register.
Website URL
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