"Horizon2020: New opportunities for Japanese researchers to join international projects, networks and exchanges" Barbara Rhode


Tuesday, June 17, 2014 - 17:00 to 18:00


Center Building B250


With the new research funding programme "Horizon2020" the EU is investing € 80 bn (~10 trillion Yen) over 7 years (2014-2020) in new opportunities for international research cooperation. Participation in Horizon2020 projects is possible for OIST and all institutes and research entities established in any country from all over the world (only North Korea is excluded). Researchers from academia and industries are invited to join international research projects, networks or exchange mechanisms. Japan is a powerhouse of innovation and a global industrial player. Why is international collaboration in research becoming such an important element for innovation?

Barbara Rhode, Head of Science and Technology at the EU Delegation in Tokyo will explain the EU's new "Horizon2020" programme and how to participate from Japan. Japanese based researchers need to have the funds available for their own research part to get access to very big and international projects. From an industrial point of view, is collaboration not too sensitive? What can you gain through collaboration? At the last EU–Japan Summit Prime Minister Abe and the leader of the EU called for further efforts to unlock the potential of EU-Japan Science and Technology cooperation. There is an interesting potential for collaboration including any other partners besides Europeans and Japanese researchers.


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