Current and Upcoming Visitors

All current and upcoming visitors are listed below, while past visitors can be found here.
The visitors' profiles can be found further down. Profiles of Thematic Programs can be found on their respective websites linked below.

Name Arrival Departure Field Units of Interest  
Jonathan Brundan 2025/03/01 2025/05/30 Mathematics, Representation Theory Speyer VS
Susumu Ariki 2024/11/04 2025/03/29

Mathematics | Representation Theory

Speyer | Toriumi

James Berg 2024/10/28 2025/02/17 Neuroscience Doya | Fukunaga | Kuhn | T. Takahashi | Yamada | Yoshida VS
Il Memming Park 2024/10/15 2025/02/28 Engineering and Applied Sciences | Neuroscience, Recurrent neural network, neural state space model, dynamical systems, statistical signal processing, machine learning, neuro AI Doya | Fukai | Hikami | Pao | Pigolotti | Uusisaari VS
Amiram Moshaiov 2024/10/01 2024/12/30 Computer Science,  Multi-objective Games, Computational Intelligence  Husnik | Yamada | Dieckmann | Sallan | Armitage VS
Mihnea Bostina 2024/10/01 2025/09/30 Biology, Structural Biology, Virology Bandi | Chakraborty | Husnik | Kusumi | Wickens | Yamamoto | Wolf, Sitsel VS
Ana Belen Sainz 2024/09/15 2025/09/14 Physics, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Information Theory Nic Chormaic | Ekert | Elkouss | Höhn | Nemoto | Speyer | H. Takahashi VS
Havva Yoldas 2024/08/15 2024/12/14 Mathematics, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Kinetic Theory, Mathematical Biology Abdulla | Kiyomitsu | Liu | Meitinger | Zhou VS
Raphael Winter 2024/08/15 2024/11/14 Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Kinetic theory Abdulla | Liu | Zhou VS
Koji Fujiwara 2024/08/01 2024/09/30

Mathematics, Geometry, Topology, Geometric group theory

Feichtner-Kozlov | Hikami | Zhou

Erich Bornberg 2024/06/23 2024/09/20 Chemistry, Theoretical Biochemistry, Evolution, Origins of Life, Structural Biology, Genomics Bourguignon | Kondrashov | Laudet | Laurino | N. Luscombe | Pääbo | Rokhsar VS
Lucy Lai 2024/06/01 2025/05/30 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Tripp | Doya VS
Pedro Lopes 2024/06/01 2024/10/30

Computer Science | Neuroscience, Human-Computer Interaction

Froese | Qi | Shen | Tani

Hirokazu Shirado 2024/05/20 2024/08/09 Computer Science | Sociology, Computational Social Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Social Networks Dieckmann | Froese | Reiter | Tani | Yamada VS
Louise Hespel 2024/05/19 2024/08/17 Chemistry | Material Science, polymer C. Luscombe | Yamada VS
Sergii Strelchuk 2024/05/15 2024/08/13 Mathematics |  Quantum computing Busch | Ekert | Elkouss | Myers | Nemoto | Shannon VS
Joshua Goldberg 2024/05/01 2024/08/30 Neuroscience, Cellular and systems neurophysiology, Computational Neuroscience Abdulla | Doya | Fukai | Pigolotti | Wickens VS
Han Zhao 2024/05/01 2024/07/31 Computer Science, Machine Learning Yamada VS
Anthony Genot 2024/04/28 2024/11/10

Chemistry | Engineering and Applied Sciences | DNA nanotechnology

N. Luscombe | Shen

Srikanth Ramaswamy 2024/04/25 2024/08/29 Neuroscience, Data Science, Neural Networks Modeling, Big Data De Schutter, Doya, Kuhn, Reiter, Wickens, Yazaki-Sugiyama VS
Aaron Chan 2024/04/15 2024/08/30

Mathematics | Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebra and related categorical structures

Speyer | Toriumi

Yuzhe Li 2024/04/15 2024/07/06

Computer Science | Neuroscience | Computational Neuroscience


Doya, Kuhn

Luiza Angheluta 2024/04/06 2024/04/21 Computer Science, Physics, Broken Symmetry, Topology Bandi, Chakraborty, Gioia, Pigolotti, A
Keiko Aoki 2024/04/05 2024/06/27 Material Science, Mathematics, Physics, Molecular dynamics simulation Bandi, Chakraborty, Hikami, Husnik, Liu DV
Nick Dorey 2024/02/29 2024/07/14 Theoretical High Energy Physics Hikami, Neiman, Toriumi VS23
Izaak Neri 2024/01/31 2024/04/25

Mathematics, Physics

Dieckmann, Pigolotti

Jana Björn 2024/01/08 2024/08/15 Mathematics

Abdulla, Liu, Zhou

Anders Björn 2024/01/08 2024/08/15 Mathematics

Abdulla, Liu, Zhou

Daniel Chourrout 2023/08/03 2024/07/30 Evolution, Marine Science N. Luscombe (Host) EVS23

All visitors give presentations during their stay at OIST. You can find details about upcoming seminars and lectures on the Events page. You can also subscribe to this iCal calendar containing all talks.

Visitor Profiles

Here are the profiles of visitors currently on campus.

Keiko Aoki

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03p

Keiko Aoki is an independent researcher based in Tokyo. Her main research field is condensed matter physics, and her main tool for research is molecular/particle dynamics simulation.
Since anisotropically fluctuating systems, such as liquid crystals and soft matter could not be properly treated by conventional molecular dynamics (MD) methods, we have developed a set of simulation methods which are called stress control methods. Stress control MD methods guarantee the system to be under hydrostatic pressure (or other condition) even in non-equilibrium processes. Time evolution under constant surface tension can be investigated by one of the stress control methods as well. This is in contrast to conventional MD methods, where only ensemble average can be controlled. The method is effective to investigate self-organization of soft matter, as well as glassy metastable states. ORCID ID

[Tutorial] Stress control molecular dynamics simulation methods designed for simulating soft matter by Keiko Aoki

Keiko Aoki



Nick Dorey

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03q

Nick Dorey received his PhD from Edinburgh University in 1991 and then held postdoctoral and junior faculty positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Washington and Swansea University. He has been a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge since 2007.  He is currently visiting OIST as a TSVP Visiting Scholar.

TSVP Talk: "What Can Quantum Field Theory Teach Us About Black Holes (And Vice Versa)?" by Nick Dorey

Nick Dorey



Izaak Neri

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03l

Izaak is a Senior Lecturer in Disordered Systems within the Mathematics Department at King’s College London. Izaak engages in two research domains. Firstly, he develops mathematical techniques for analysing complex systems, such as, neural networks, ecosystems, and complex fluids, with a specific focus on understanding the role of network structure and heterogeneity in their dynamics. In this context, he extends methods used for studying systems with all-to-all interactions to those within networked systems. Secondly, Izaak uses stochastic processes to explore nonequilibrium fluctuations in small systems, such as molecular motors, or decision-making processes in noisy environments.

Izaak Neri



Anders Björn

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03r

Anders Björn is a Professor of Mathematics at Linköping University, Sweden, where he also received his PhD in 1995. He was a postdoc at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and has later spent longer research periods at Charles University in Prague, University of Cincinnati and the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm. His research is in analysis on metric spaces, mainly in collaboration with Jana Björn. In particular, he is interested in p-harmonic functions, partial differential equations and various minimization problems. He studies various solving methods and properties of the solutions, such as their interior and boundary regularity and growth estimates. This is research in pure mathematics and its aim is to provide rigorous fundamentals for and a better understanding of some problems, which could come from natural sciences and other fields. Analysis on metric spaces makes it possible to study such questions simultaneously in many different settings, for example on very rough sets and for highly nonhomogeneous media. It also brings new insight into which properties and assumptions are really essential for the theory and which are the main obstructions. A popular-scientific description of Anders's research is at this website.

Anders Björn



Jana Björn

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03g

Jana Björn is a Professor of Mathematics at Linköping University, Sweden, where she also received her PhD in 1996. She was a postdoc at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and then at Lund University. She has also spent longer research periods at Charles University in Prague, University of Cincinnati and the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm. Her research is in analysis on metric spaces, mainly in collaboration with Anders Björn. In particular, she is interested in p-harmonic functions, partial differential equations and various minimization problems. She studies various solving methods and properties of the solutions, such as their interior and boundary regularity and growth estimates. This is research in pure mathematics and its aim is to provide rigorous fundamentals for and a better understanding of some problems, which could come from natural sciences and other fields. Analysis on metric spaces makes it possible to study such questions simultaneously in many different settings, for example on very rough sets and for highly nonhomogeneous media. It also brings new insight into which properties and assumptions are really essential for the theory and which are the main obstructions. A popular-scientific description of Jana's research is at this website.


Jana Björn



Daniel Chourrout

Office at OIST: Lab 5 EF03t

Daniel Chourrout has established the Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology in 1997 and been its director until 2020. This institute is a Partner of EMBL, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory since 2023. His own research is focused on the evolution of chordate development, using tunicates as model systems. Before moving to Norway, Daniel Chourrout was heading the Laboratory of Fish Genetics at INRA (French Institute of Research for Agriculture). His training is in Genetics from the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.

EVSP Talk: "Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates: our experience with an alternative model organism" by Daniel Chourrout

Daniel Chourrout


Profiles of previous visitors