TSVP Symposium: Computational and Physical Understanding of Biological Information Processing



Seminar Room: L5D23 (Lab5 D floor)


Title: Computational and Physical Understanding of Biological Information Processing

Abstract: The notion of information and its processing is essential for understanding a wide range of biological systems that behave adaptively in an unpredictably changing world with different time scales. Nonetheless, the concepts, methodologies, and theories developed for respective fields such as neuroscience, evolutionary biology, ecology, and biophysics, are dispersed in each community, and the communications between them are still limited. This symposium aims at establishing a new research field of biological information processing that enables us to integratively and coherently understand a wide range of intelligence functions in various biological phenomena by providing a place to share visions and exchange knowledge and best practices of these fields.

Linked to Thematic Program on "Computational and Physical Understanding of Biological Information Processing"


Please register through this form (Deadline: February 19, 2025)

Symposium Organizers

Tetsuya J. Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo)
Simon K. Schnyder (The University of Tokyo)
Naoki Honda (Hiroshima University)

Invited Participants

Corentin Briat (FHNW)
David Brueckner (University of Basel)
Daniel Maria Busiello (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Manon Costa (Université de Toulouse)
Paul Francois (Université de Montréal)
Benjamin Friedrich (TU Dresden)
Yusuke Himeoka (The University of Tokyo)
Yuji Hirono (Osaka University)
Sanjay Jain (University of Delhi and Santa Fe Institute)
Keita Kamino (Academia Sinica)
Daisuke Kiga (Waseda University)
David Lacoste (ESPCI)
Shiling Liang (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Leenoy Meshulam (University of Washington, Seattle)
John Jairo Molina Lopez (Kyoto University)
Rami Pugatch (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Pawel Piotr Romanczuk (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Gašper Tkačik (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Matthew Turner (Warwick University)

Tentative Schedule

March 5, 2025: Arrival Day

March 6: Scientific Sessions

March 7: Scientific Sessions

March 8: AM: Scientific Sessions, PM: Poster session and Discussion

March 9: Excursion and free Discussion


This program is also supported by Information Physics of Living Matters (JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas) and by the JST CREST program (Mathematical Information Platform).


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