TSVP Talk: "Understanding Ecological Dynamics with Incomplete Information" by Chuliang Song
TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).
TSVP Talk: "Causal Reasoning in a Quantum World" by John Selby
TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).
Public Lecture: "How Do Animals Make Sound?" by Coen Elemans
Public Lecture : "How Do Animals Make Sound? … Even While Holding Their Breath" by Prof. Coen Elemans (University of Southern Denmark)
Language: English with Japanese simultaneous interpretation General audience, anyone with an interest in the topic. Recommended for 10 years old and over Registration required
TSVP Talk: "Is My “Red” Your “Red”?: Evaluating Correspondences Between Qualia Structures Using Unsupervised Alignment" by Nao Tsuchiya
TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).