[Seminar] Well-Being and Communication: Exploring Social Interaction and Neurodiversity by Rieko Osu


Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 15:00


Meeting Room D015 (Lab1)


This seminar is hosted by Doya unit. Rieko Osu is a Domestic Visitor in the Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP) at OIST.

Communication is essential for well-being. A lack of communication and loneliness can diminish well-being. Conversely, in Japan, the emphasis on communication skills and societal pressure to conform can also reduce well-being. In this talk, I will highlight recent research in social interaction, communication, and neurodiversity. This will include research on socially weak ties by examining EEG synchronization between individuals, interventions using transcranial static magnetic stimulation to address social anxiety during communication, and new approaches to developmental disorders, focusing on unique communication styles and neurodiversity.

Rieko Osu received her Ph.D. in psychology from Kyoto University. She was the head of the Department of Motor Control and Rehabilitation at the Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, ATR. She then served as the Director of Consumer Neuroscience at The Nielsen Company Japan. Since 2017, she has been a professor at Waseda University's Faculty of Human Sciences. Her research focuses on the computational understanding of motor control and learning, as well as neuroimaging. She is now expanding her research to include stroke rehabilitation, developmental disorders, and neurodiversity.


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