Community Cooking Series
The Community Cooking Series aims to bring the OIST community and residents of Okinawa closer through a shared love of food. Each session will be focused on one dish, taught by someone with a personal connection to the recipe (perhaps you?).
Register here to reserve your spot! (We have a total of 20 spots available for each session and 1 spot is alloted for each participant.)
Written recipes will be provided in both English and Japanese, and the instructor will guide the class through the cooking process.
A registration fee will be collected to cover the cost of ingredients. A portion of the fee will be used to buy food donations for Onna Village Council of Social Welfare. The amount spent on the donations will be documented and the itemized list will be available below.
Important notes about registration:
- Participation fee for the current session: 1000 yen
- Registration is complete only when the fee is paid
- Fees must be paid in person or using PayPay before the set deadlines
- All participants must register and pay the fee to join the session (Will will not be able to accomodate participants who have not registered + paid the fees. We are renting a public facility and paying an hourly fee. We have only 20 spots and these spots are available only to members who have paid for the sessions.)
- On-spot registrations will NOT be accepted (we purchase the ingredients 1-2 days before each session. The quantity of ingredients is calculated exactly based on the total no. of participants who have paid the fees. Therefore, it will not be possible to accomodate participants who have not reserved their spot in advance.)
For more information, please contact one of us:
- Darshini Ravishankar (
- Stephan Suffit (
- 今月の料金: 1000円
- 料金のお支払いが完了した時点で登録完了となります
- 決められた期限までに、直接またはPayPayで料金をお支払いください。
- 参加者全員が登録し、料金を支払うことでセッションに参加できます(登録と料金の支払いが済んでいない参加者の受け入れはできません。公共施設をお借りして、1時間あたりの料金をお支払いいただきます。セッションの定員は20名で、この枠はセッションの料金を支払った会員のみが利用できます)。
- その場での登録は受け付けておりません(材料は各セッションの1~2日前に購入します。食材の数量は、参加費のお支払いをされた方の合計人数で計算されます。そのため、事前予約のない方の参加はお受けできません)
- Darshini Ravishankar (
- Stephan Suffit (
Please see here for information on past classes
Schedule | スケジュール
Saturday, January 18th, 2024 10:30 - 13:30 | 18月1日2025年(土曜日)10:30 - 13:30
Dishes: Plant-based mapo tofu and chocolate mousse
Instructor : OIST ECO club
講師:OIST ECOクラブ
Venue| 場所
Culture School (Onna Fureai Center)
Webform for participants| 参加者のお申し込みはこちらから
Webform for instructors| 講師のお申込みはこちらから
Information on donations | 寄付に関する情報