Innovation Forum Okinawa


2018年12月3日 (月) 17:00 20:00




A launch event of Innovation Forum Okinawa will take place Monday, December 3rd in Room C209 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm, where we will be presenting the new Innovation Forum branch in Okinawa.

We will hear the story behind the first OIST startup, Okinawa Protein Tomography, "A Journey from Research to Entrepreneurship", with our invited speakers Mr. Akira Kamei and Prof. Ulf Skoglund

The event will be followed by a networking session (with snacks provided) that will allow you to approach speakers, as well as Innovation Forum members. If you are interested in modern entrepreneurship, we can help you to transform your ideas and projects to economic reality.

Registration is free: REGISTER

Hope to see you there!

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