Call for Proof of Concept Program applications


2024年6月1日 (土) 11:552024年10月1日 (火) 22:00



The POC program is a competitive funding program for OIST researchers designed to help bridge the gap between lab discoveries and commercialization.

OIST is a world-class basic science research institute, first and foremost, and the POC program is tailor-made to accommodate this unique environment at OIST. Specifically, the program aims to foster innovation and enhance technology transfer to transform OIST inventions and scientific outcomes into new products and services that benefit society. We welcome applications from any researcher with a technology, or an idea for a technology, as long as they are committed to creating impact in Okinawa or globally.

So far, we have funded over 70 projects. The projects are as diverse as OIST, ranging from early-stage applied research to advanced prototypes aimed at spinning out into startup companies or licensing out to the industry.



  • Time-limited funding to carry out your project
  • Hands-on guidance
  • Intellectual property management
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Mentorship
  • Community building


Structure of the program

The program is divided into three different POC phases according to the stage of technology development, and a fellowship for entrepreneurial-minded researchers:

  • Seed Phase - Innovation: supports innovative research projects with the potential to develop new intellectual property.
  • Phase I - Validation: supports projects that aim to establish the feasibility of a technology.
  • Phase II - Demonstration: supports projects that aim to test the technology for real-world applications.
  • Technology Pioneer Fellowship: The fellowship is addressed to entrepreneurial-minded researchers who wish to undertake their own commercialization projects.

Guidelines and how to apply

Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.