Seminar: Rapid Pathway Prototyping for Novel Bio-Based Chemicals

Rapid pathway prototyping for novel bio-based chemicals: Case Studies from Ginkgo Bioworks
Rapid prototyping of novel metabolic pathways for bio-based chemicals is often a requirement for proof of concept, project de-risking, and ultimately for more accurate program costing. The process requirements are to explore the metabolic space, both in terms of enzyme diversity and expression levels, in a short period of time, while also containing costs. The Ginkgo Bioworks foundry, which combines automated synthetic biology unit operations with high-throughput analytics controlled by custom scheduling software, is ideally suited for massively parallel approaches that can significantly reduce the time required for pathway prototyping.
We will discuss several case studies of metabolic pathways developed by Ginkgo Bioworks, in particular one involving the engineering of a substrate co-feed in Escherichia coli, and the second concerning the engineering for the production of a platform chemical intermediate, also in E.coli. We will present data outlining the essence of our design cycle, its trade-offs in terms of cost/benefit and timelines, including a history of how this design cycle has evolved over time to take advantage of new technological developments.
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Co-Organized by Innovation Forum Okinawa
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